
World Migratory Bird Day @ Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory

May 20th - Guided Bird Hikes, Live Raptor Exhibit and Talk, Bird Banding, Native Plant Sale, Ecological Rummage Sale, Fun Workshops for Families, Wildlife Experts, & More! FREE and Open to the Public! Rain or Shine – Food Available

Stork day festival

Primary school „ Strasho Pindjur “ Chesinovo and the municipality of Cheshinovo-Obleshevo are orginizing the Stork day festival 2017 for the fifth time, since the municipality received the European Stork village award in 2013. Cheshinovo-Obleshevo has one of the largest populations of White Storks, with over 70 nests built on roofs and electrical pylons. The friendly attitude of the locals to the storks was also one of the main reasons why this municipality received the award.

World Migratory Bird Day -2017

Like last 5 years, Nature Study and Conservation Club, Department of Zoology, Jagannath University is going to celebrate the world migratory bird day. However, 10th May is national holiday in Bangladesh. To get the more audience in the program the organizing comittee decide to celebrate the day on 9th May this year instead of 10. The program is going to be celebrated in the zoology department auditorium of Jagannath University.


Events detail:

Homat Al Hima - The Way of Life to Sustainable Development - Kids Day

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon, in collaboration with the municipality of Kherbet Kanafar, will be hosting a national conference titled “Homat Al Hima - The Way of Life, for Sustainable Development”, under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism. The two-day-conference is planned in partnership with the West Bekaa Country Club and Homat Al Hima International; funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - SDC and MAVA Foundation.

Les Oiseaux et nous (Birds and us)

The « Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée » or CBG is a mining company exploiting bauxite since 1973 and co-owned by the Government of Guinea and international companies such as ALCO, Rio Tinto Alcan, etc.

To be aligned with international best practice, CBG has implemented a Biodiversity Program since  August 2016.

The objective of the CBG’s Biodiversity program is to implement a sustainable approach by engaging internal and external stakeholders.

"Marty Party" 4th Purple Martin WMBD Celebration

Sponsored by the city of Grand Prairie, Texas and the Purple Martin Landlords of North Texas, the 4th annual "Marty Party" celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2017 with cultural and educational programs. This festival aims to educate people on the importance and conservation needs for the Purple Martin. As the largest swallow species in North America, the Purple Martin depends on human assistance to survive in migration stop-over areas in North Texas.

Schools Celebrate With Music, Stories, Games and More!

Our local arts and school communities are working with the Hobsons Bay Rangers to raise awareness about wetland habitats, the responsibility people have to care for those habitats and their place on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). We'll be celebrating with music, stories, games and presentations.

Birds of Finnmark: Talks and Birdwatching

A two day event, involving talks and birdwatching in the evening will be hosted in Finnmark, Norway. The main species we will highlight is the Lesser White-fronted Goose. On the second day there will be an excursion to some remote wader staging sites in Lille Porsangen (approximately a 350km car drive).

Travelling with the Lesser White-fronted Goose and migratory birds at the Greek wetlands

The Hellenic Ornithological Society/ BirdLife Greece participates at the Ecofestival of Serres with a 3-day event dedicated to migratory birds, with the Lesser White-fronted Goose in leading role!

Join us to get to know the migratory birds of Greece, the threats they face along their migratory routes and how we can all help to ensure safe flyways. We will create birdmasks, mobile figures and other handicrafts, as well play floor games to "fly" with the Lessers along their journey from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean!


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