Educational Activity

The primary school of Bajou-Ghar El Melh celebrates the world migratory birds day.

As part of the activities of education and awareness of the environment of the Club "les Amis de la Nature" in Ghar El Melh, the Culture House of Ghar El Melh and the Association "les Amis des Oiseaux " (AAO / BirdLife in Tunisia) organizes for the benefit of schoolchildren of the 5th and 6th year primary in Bajou -Ghar El Melh, an animation on the migration of birds.

The program :

*Presentation of the WMBD and the theme 2022 "light pollution".

*Presentation on the importance of the preservation of birds and the benefits of nature

Webinar on the effects of artificial light pollution on marine birds and sea turtles

We will invite two specialists in the fields of birds and sea turtles: - Imed JERIBI (North Africa Sea Turtles Network - "NASTNet") - Hichem AZAFZAF & Claudia FELTRUP-AZFZAF (AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia)

Preliminary Webinar Program : - Overview of the AAO's WMBD celebration (2015 to 2021) 

- Session I: Impact of artificial light pollution on migratory birds and seabirds (migration, breeding, nesting, behavior ...etc.) and what mitigation measures to take?


Feria ambiental Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Se realizará un un recorrido de observación de aves durante la mañana del 14 de mayo de  2022. Posteriormente se instalará un stand en un parque urbano (conocido como parque Lineal) de Puerto Vallarta, con actividades lúdicas para público en general.

Celebración del Día Mundial de las aves migratorias en la Sierra Gorda

This is the first festival celebrated at the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, the program will be aimed at all ages. Opening with birdwatching in a Ramsar Site "La Presa Jalpan", then a photographic, and artistic exposition (drawings and sculptures made by children and youngsters), conversation with experts on the subject, and finishing with a documentary about birds.

Learning Activities with Attar school students at sejoumi

The objective is to sensiblize students about migratory birds through a presentation, workshops, making nest boxes for birds, drawing activities, and quizzes. 

Spring migration monitoring camp and training in the identification of migratory birds in the Key Biodiversity Area of Ghar El M

This camp is for the future field observers and ornithological guides: Representatives of the advisory committee of the municipality of Ghar El Melh and students.

The program includes:

*a hike to the observation points of migratory birds.

*a guided tour of Jbel Nadhour to discover the biodiversity of the mountain and its landscapes

*monitoring the migration of birds and training of young participants


Global Bird Rescue

Global Bird Rescue uses the Global Bird Collision Mapper (GBCM) to document bird-building collisions worldwide. Each year, during the first week in October, teams and individuals take to the streets to search for birds that have collided with buildings in their community, to social media to raise awareness about this conservation issue, and to make their own windows bird-safe.

This event is world-wide and not address specific. Anyone can participate anywhere!

Celebrando el día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Charla para dar a conocer el estado y las problematicas actuales de las aves migratorias y realizaremos una senda por el parque de Pradolongo para observar aves y aprender a reconocer aquellas que nos visitan cada primavera en su migración.

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day 2022

Join Audubon for a fascinating conversation about migratory birds, the hazards they face along the way, and the actions we are taking to help ensure safe passage along their journeys. Hosted by our Bird-Friendly Communities team, the presentation and panel discussion will explore bird migration, featuring innovative visualizations developed by Audubon's Migratory Bird Initiative, and will highlight hemispheric connections through Audubon Americas.

BookWidgets World Migratory Bird Day Event

BookWidgets will create interactive, engaging activities which educators, students, and classrooms around the world can complete to learn more about the effects of light pollution on birds and the environment as a whole.  


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