Educational Activity

World Migratory Bird Day Birdwatching Event

On World Migratory Bird Day, The Ghana Wildlife Society will organise a birdwatching exercise at the Pambros Salt Industries together with school children, teachers and the public in Greater Accra.

Observation of the flora and fauna of the Suhaia Lake

Ecological education activity that consists in observing the flora and fauna specific to the Suhaia Lake. The students of Suhaia Secondary School participate in the activity. Students will learn about Balta Suhaia, which became a Natura 2000 site in the fall of 2007, and since 2012 it has been under the protection of Ramsar (International Convention for the Protection of Important Wetlands).

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias - PAU Cuautla

Celebramos a las aves migratorias con un recorrido para su observación, esta actividad se realizará a lo largo del río Cuautla, en donde ademas de poder ver varias especies represetativas de lugar, platicaremos sobre la importancia de las aves, cuáles son sus amenazas y como podemos contribuir a su conservación. Recorrido de 7:00 a 11:00 de la mañana. 

Para mayores informes contáctanos a traves de Instagram o por correo ([email protected]).

Pequeños Ornitologos Version III

Por tanto este año El Bioparque Urbano de Tarija, del Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Tarija, se presenta como organizador e impulsor del Lanzamiento del Curso virtual dirigido a niños entre 6 a 11 años para brindar el conocimiento acerca de la importancia de las aves en general haciendo énfasis en brindar información acerca de las aves migratorias que llegan a nuestra región y el rol clave de las aves para el ambiente de la ciudad, por supuesto abordando la tematica de este año.

World MIgratory Bird Day at Kiran Nadar Museum of Art

The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art will be celebrating World Migratory Bird Day by hosting a talking on birds and their habits & habitats.

Aiming to connect children and adults alike with these beautiful creatures through this specially put-together workshop on 3D bird-making craft.


At the museum, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a top priority and sharing knowledge and raising awareness is a key part of KNMA’s outreach programs.

The workshop is open to all, but seats are limited, and registration is required.



Migratory Bird Day at the Great Bend Brit Spaugh Zoo

From 1:30-2:30 p.m., visitors can take a tour of the zoo's veterinary clinic and learn about the work done to rehabilitate birds of prey.

Many of the raptors, or birds of prey, that the zoo takes in are migratory birds and are only passing through, Zoo Curator Ashley Burdick notes. The zoo attempts to rehabilitate injured raptors in hopes that they can then be released into the wild. Those who can't sometimes take up permanent residence at the zoo.

Sunday afternoon, visitors can meet one of the zoo's very own migratory birds, a Mississippi kite named Penelope.

World Migratory Bird Day Jungle Walk

Join us for a Jungle Walk and meet Environment for the Americas on Saturday, May 14th at 7:30 a.m. We'll have some early morning snacks and information about our organization before you head out to learn about the Costa Rica birds that spend their summers in the Rockies. The walk is limited to 15 participants, so its first come, first serve! Don't have binoculars? No problem! We'll loan you some. This bird walk is beginner friendly. 


BookClub: Solid Air with Daniel Klem

Solid Air: Invisible Killer – Saving Billions of Birds from Windows by Daniel Kleim 8 pm ET

Join author Daniel Klem for a discussion of his book focusing on the impacts of pane glass on birds. The discussion will be facilitated by Alicia King, and participants are encouraged to read the book and ask questions!

Youth, Schools & Families Virtual Activities

Join us for some fun time. We'll have some bird quizzes with prizes, and other activities. 

11:30 am Eastern - Learn about wetlands and the importance to birds from a school in Colombia

1 pm Eastern - Join storytime with Paul Bogard as he reads his book, What if Night? Then we'll do an art activity with the illustrator Sarah Holden. 


World Migration Bird Day

Ornithologist Dr. Jeff Bell will share insights on which migratory birds are passing through and which ones have returned to nest in our area. Bird walk along the Sand Hill River Trail. Mist net capture and release of birds if weather allows. 


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