Sharjah safari - is the biggest safari park outside of Africa. It has more than 400 birds of 70 African species, living in three big aviaries. With such a variety of birds, it is impossible to ignore World Migratory Bird Day. And we will not!
La actividad consiste un brindar una charla a los estudiantes de Instituto Profesor Benito Salinas para ir creando la conciencia del cuido y protección de las aves, en la cual se compartirá un juego donde los estudiantes podrán mostrar los desafíos que las enfrentan las aves durante su migración.
HIMPUS (Poultry Lovers Student Association) is a campus organization of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Syiah Kuala University, Aceh which has been engaged in bird protection in the Banda Aceh area, Indonesia since 2013. We have been involved in bird protection efforts in Aceh. Such as implementing community awareness activities programs, monitoring migratory bird habitats and others. HIMPUS has also held World Migratory Bird Day celebrations since 2014 until now.
Since 2012, HKBWS has been implementing Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme, which aims to promote fishpond conservation through habitat management, research and education. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the scheme. To celebrate the anniversary and also World Migratory Bird Day, a 3-week exhibition will be held from 29 September to 19 October in TKO Plaza, which mainly targets young families nearby.
Nanthar Island and Mayyu estuary, one of the six flyway network sites in Myanmar, was also designated as a Ramsar Site in 2020. This area covers around 3600 ha and provides nutrients rich habitat for many migratory birds. The migratory waterbirds include five globally threatened species including perhaps 5% of the global population of the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpipers. This area has been designated as Marine National Park recently, although still lacks of attention for protection due to limited resources.
El Programa de Aves Urbanas de San Cristóbal de Las Casas, con el respaldo de PAU-México, Pronatura Sur -socio Birdlife en México- y Tlahtolli convocaremos a organizaciones de la sociedad civil y municipal, así como a espacios que trabajan a favor de la conservación de las aves y sus hábitats, para compartir con la población de San Cristobal diversos enfoques de trabajo para la protección de las especies de aves.
The school youth as local residents and invited guests are expected on Saturday October 8, 2022. Information will be provided by various governmental and NGOs to all attendees about the theme and relevant information related to migratory birds.
Se realizará una charla - taller, con el grupo ambiental de abuelitas del agua, y se tratara la importancia de mantener posible las luces apagadas, ciencia ciudadana y un taller de sencibilizacion.