Educational Activity

La Migración de la aves y la contaminación

Se realizará una charla - taller, con el grupo ambiental de abuelitas del agua, y se tratara la importancia de mantener posible las luces apagadas, ciencia ciudadana y un taller de sencibilizacion.

Birds day at Vaas : "la journée des oiseaux" 2022

In the French village of Vaas (72), the local school held an educational event on July 1st to raise awareness towards birds, especially migratory species.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebration

Join us for a day full of education and activities!  Bird Q&A sessions, face painting, and multiple raffles and much more!

¡Celebremos a las Aves Migratorias que visitan la ciudad!

¡Estamos preparando un mini festival para celebrar a las Aves Migratorias y Residentes! Será en un parque urbano de la ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán (sede por definir). Tendremos distintas estaciones con actividades, taller, charlas online y recorridos de observación de aves en familia. ¡ Espera los carteles de difusión en la primera semana de octubre! 

Rodada Nocturna

A night ride will be held with several groups of cyclists from the city of Mazatlan, with the aim of talking to them about World Migratory Bird Day, especially about the theme of the year 2022 "Dark Nights, Safe Migrations". This activity was thought of because several bikers have commented that they have sometimes had encounters or mishaps with birds while they are doing their route, so they ask us what they can do in those cases.


Campamento "Noches oscuras, Migraciones seguras"

A camp will be held in a coastal community in the Municipality of San Ignacio, Sinaloa. There will be a talk about the importance of dark nights for the migration of birds, a night tour will be carried out to search for birds and recording sounds which will be used in a small workshop to make musical tracks with sounds of nature. 

Celebración Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Actividad educativa celebrando el DMAM el día 19 de mayo en el Centro de Investigación Marina (CIM), organizado por GoBird Honduras, CIM, CODDEFFAGOLF.

Octobird Fest 2022

The October Bird Festival in Texcoco is an event that has been taking place in Texcoco for three years and seeks to publicize the problems faced by birds that live in and migrate to cities. Texcoco is a municipality with enormous importance for migratory bird species, both terrestrial and aquatic, since it has forest and aquatic ecosystems.


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