Educational Activity

Ziua Mondiala a Pasarilor Migratoare - 2014

Miercur 14 mai 2014, începând cu ora 12.00, Agenţia pentru Protecţia Mediului Timiş în parteneriat cu Colegiul Tehnic “Regele Ferdinand I” din Timişoara organizeaza o acţiune educaţională, despre protecţia şi importanţa păsărilor migratoare. Reprezentanţii APM Timiş vor prezenta elevilor clasei a XII importanţa ecologica a pasarilor migratoare, iar elevii vor proiecta prezentări tematice şi vor prezenta lucrări haiku. Haiku-ul este un gen de poezie cu formă fixă, tradiţional japoneză, alcătuită din 17 silabe repartizate pe 3 “versuri” formate din 5, 7, 5 silabe.

Ziua Mondiala a Pasarilor Migratoare - Activitate educativa

Agenţia pentru Protecţia Mediului Timiş organizează marti 13 mai, începând cu ora 12.00, în parteneriat cu Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Remetea Mare şi Palatul Copiilor din Timişoara, o expozitie de desene. Cele mai bune desene vor fi premiate.
Desenele vor fi expuse la Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Remetea Mare si pe pagina de internet a Agenţiei pentru Protecţia Mediului Timiş,, sectiunea Evenimente, Educatie ecologica.

Community Teaching and School Teaching

On the occassion of World Migratory Bird Day, our student led wing of Bird Conservation Nepal(BCN),Pokhara Branch organized a community and school teaching program to make people aware on general about
1)concept of bird migration
2) threats the Migratory birds are facing
3) local contribution we can make to help in bird migration.
With these objectives, we included one community and two schools to conduct the program.

Mpophomeni Wetland Bird Watching

Our school is situated very close to a wetland. we have different types of birds visiting the place, but in the past few years our wetland is polluted with a lot of waste. we would like to go there as an environment club and watch the few little birds that are left and see how pollution impacts on the holistic approach to environment including tourism. we are going to camp next to the site and record all the activities that take place, every weekend.

bird watching

we are going to birds watching and counting.

Bird Walk

Bird Walk with local students focusing on importance of migratory birds and tourism

Taller de Introducción a la Observación De Aves

Introducciccion al Avistaje de Aves en la Provincia de Entre Rios. Aptitud ornitologica, Importancia de las Aves, Clasificación, Anatomía externa de las aves. Morfologia, comportamiento. Diversidad. Especies de importancia y representación regional. Corrientes e Importancia de las Rutas Migratorias. Bioacustica. El Canto de las Aves. Problemas de conservacion. Capacitadores: Sosa,Juan Carlos.Spais, Raul.


Kainat International School,kainat Nagar,Kako,Jehanabad ,Bihar,India organized activity cum lecture program with field trip to Save Bird-Save Nature.
Students took oath not to throw chew-gum at any place and spreed awareness among youth through campaign SAVE BIRD-SAVE NATURE.

Rotaract Celebrating Wold Migratory Bird Day

We Rotaracter visit the near forest to see the Bird. How they live and how they are eating food etc.

Porte ouverte sur la zone humide de Oued Dar El oued au Parc National de Taza

Journée d'information sur les zones humides et les oiseaux migrateurs au site de Oued Dar El oued au grottes merveilleuse du parc National de Taza ; destiné au grand public te aux scolaires


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