Educational Activity

"World Migratory Birdday at school"

The experts of EPA Botosani organized an action at School no 8 Botosani "Elena Rares": ppt presentations”Migratory birds and tourism",partners for birds conservation”.
EPA Botosani distributed to participants flyers awareness of the importance of wetlands as habitat for migratory waterbirds.

Día mundial de las aves migratorias

La actividad del día mundial de las aves migratorias, se celebro el 30 de mayo del 2014 .
2:30 apertura del evento conmemoracion del dia mundia de las aves migratorias
3:30 taller de pinturas -pinta tu buso con un ave migratoria
5:00 cierre del evento-conclusiones.

Día Mundial de Aves Migratorias

The event was a workshop about the importance of conservation and protection of migratory birds and their habitat. Additionally, we taught about basic technics to identify marine migratory birds. The event took place in a Marine protected Area "The Pelado". We gave the workshop for young volunteers at the Valdivia Aquarium.

Ziua pasarilor migratoare în cadrul proiectului CLUBUL MICILOR ORNITOLOGI

Coordonatoare proiect: prof.dr.biolog Liliana BAB?


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Ornithological observations in Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park

Ornithological observations in Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park – Vladesti Lake, with the participation of 60 students from the three schools : Middle School "Vasile Seicaru " from Oancea Village, Secondary School from Baleni Village and Middle School No.28 from Galaţi County. Children were informed about the importance of conserving migratory bird species and completed worksheets prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency Galati.


Since 2006 BSPSM has organized many of ecological action and other activities to promout WMBD, CMS, AEWA, CBD, RCW, CITES, BC/CE for Natire Conservation and especialy for conservation of migratoru birds and thair natural habitats. Every year we have organise Weec of Migratory Bird (7 days. This year ecological and ornithological section of the SPSM have prepared Programs whit components for trening, education of young peoples, scouls, NGOs and Private Sector from 30 region in Macedonia (5-11. May 2014).

World Migratory Bird Day

EPA Arad conducted on 09.05.2014, an action to educate and inform on migration at School no. 4 Class I and zero.
For this occasion they prepared two power point presentations with text and images suggestive. Also were held and discussions on measures to be taken in order to protect migratory birds.

Destination Flyways: Migratory Birds and Tourism

To mark World Migratory Bird Day, celebrated annually in the second weekend of May, the Environmental Protection Agency Bistrita Nasaud organized on May 9, 2014, activity and awareness of students grade-III and IV-B Primary School "Avram Iancu" in Bistrita.
The students had the opportunity to watch different projections and power-point presentations, on the topic of migratory birds and the conservation of wild birds in Bistrita-Năsăud. The interactive discussion was initiated abouthow we can work together to protect migratory birds.

The messenger bird

With the love of birds, we will launch a migratory birds, in the city of Harbin,We will have a pre press and Publicity Department of education on the migratory birds。We will ask the birds professional staff to explain to you.


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