
Kars Kuyucuk Lake Waterbird Celebration

Birdwatching, environmental education, press meeting, and information session at Kuyucuk Lake, Important Bird Area and Key Biodiversity Area (

Migratory Bird Day

We will be walking the park and our forested wetland to survey the several migratory birds that make North Carolina one of the best areas for observing birds.

Achilles Byaruhanga

NatureUganda has organised a nature walk and a boat ride on Lutebe Bay, a Ramsar site, to highlight the importance of migratory birds to the country in terms of tourism and also highlight the threats to some of the big migratory stopovers such as cut-flower growing on wetlands. It will be officiated by the head of Uganda tourism board.

World Migratory Bird Day at Kikuyu Escarpment Forest IBA

The event will involve the members of KENVO, pupils and students from local schools and members of the community. They will all start with a 2hr birdwatching tour in the forest, later they will converge at the KENVO resource centre where there will be talks on regarding migratory birds and the importance of birds in general. There will also be a video show and entertainment with this years theme of the WMBD.

World Migratory Bird Day celebrations

The event comprises of three major events namely:
1. Early morning nature walk including bird watching
2. Canoeing around the open waters including bird racing
3. public dialogue / public awareness meeting

In attendance will be the resident local communities (SSGs taking a lead on local organisation/arrangements), members of tour and tour operators, private sector and government institutions as well as members of the general public and university students.

World Migratory Bird Day Celebrations

We have invited Mirango Primary School to celebrate the day and these are the activities/events for the day:
1. A little talk about the day- birds migration and learn to recognize migratory birds
2. Bird watching and identification
3. Making plaster castes of birds tracks
4. Watch film on birds migration
5. Painting on theme of ‘Birds’
6. Making bird feeding troughs from local materials-(young leleshwa stems) which they can take to school
7. Composing a song for the day

Celebrating Migrant Birds at Aras Bird Research and Education Center

Birdwatching, environmental education, press meeting, and information session at Aras Bird Research and Education Center located in Aras River valley Important Bird Area and Key Biodiversity Area (

Eastern Caspian Sea - Place of Migratory Birds Concentrations

Members of the birdwatchers club of Turkmenbashy City visited the north part of the Turkmenbashy Bay shore. They counted all birds included migratory. Prof. Rustamov told about AEWA activities and World Migratory Bird Day. All participants received a newsletter and posters of IBAs Program in Turkmenistan and stickers devoted to World Migratory Bird Day.

Celebrating Migratory Birds with Kijabe Environment Volunteers

Kijabe Environment Volunteers (KENVO) is a community based organization that works for environmental conservation and community development in Lari Division, Kiambu District, Kenya. The group undertakes a number of activities chief among them being forest rehabilitation, school outreach program, income generating activities, community/youth empowerment and development among other activities.

Opening of a new birdwatching facility in Lithuania

Public opening of a new facility for birdwatchers with all necessary infrastructure and observation tower at Ventes Ragas Ornithological Station as part of the UNEP/GEF/AEWA "Wings Over Wetlands" Program. The WMBD will include guided birdwatching of waterbirds in the Nemunas River Delta Regional Park (designated Ramsar site)and lectures about importance of this area for migratory birds.


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