
Uscita al Canto

To celebrate UN World Migratory Bird Day, Oasi Zegna every year organises a special birdwatching tour in the wood to admire migratory and non migratory birds in their habitat and listen to their sounds. After the trip, a special lunch with biological local products at Oro di Berta Farm House.

Ptasi Raj Parku Wodnego

Date: Saturday; 10 May
Time: 12:00 - 17:30
Place: Tychy; Sikorskiego (Street)

Activity: hanging nest boxes; birdwatching

Initiation Workshop

A Waypoint, Lda. vai participar nesta campanha organizando uma visita à BioRia em Salreu, no concelho de Estarreja, um dos mais importantes sitios de observação de aves migratórias no Norte de Portugal.

O concelho de Estarreja possui uma extensa frente lagunar com a Ria de Aveiro concentrando diversos habitats recortados por múltiplos esteiros e valas num jogo de águas doces e salgadas que lhe conferem uma sublime beleza paisagística.


. BirdWatching with the students of Eduardo Umaña Mendoza IED.

. Activities with 100 students in Cantarrana Park, according to the topic of our Celebration this year: "CICLO DE VIDA DE LAS AVES"


. Birdwathing in our school and other places next to our school with 100 students, and their parents and teachers to the third grade of the Eduardo Umaña Mendoza School.

Enjoying World Migratory Birds

We'll make a bird observation along another bird community in Surabaya. Observation will locate at Gajahan Block area on Wonorejo farms Surabaya East Java. the observation will be held from 6 - 9 and 15 - 17. We'll get shorebird data found on Wonorejo area. We'll try to invite public for enjoying birdwatching and explains any species of shorebirds, habitat, photography and its behaviour, especially Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember students.

World Migratory Bird Day 2014 in Batumi

Birdwatching excursions and short follow-up lectures are planned for the local communities to witness and
learn about bird migration in two different and contrasting areas of the bottleneck.


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