
Spring migration and Tourism in the Danube Delta

Rewilding Europe – WWF Romania team aims to help the people of Sfantu Gheorghe village to translate the amasing bird diversity of the Danube Delta and their knowledge into a local touristic brand. The workshop is all about birds and tourism and how this could become an alternative income source.

Día Mundial del Ave Migratoria

Caminata por un Bosque Tropical Caducifolio en el Poblado de San Andrés de la Cal, Tepoztlán; Morelos, para la observación de aves.
Esta iniciativa tiene por objetivo reunir a diferentes personas que puedan colaborar de alguna manera en el evento, ya sea asistiendo, organizando, invitando, etc...

Aves y Humedales

Se realizará una visita al Humedal Estero de Punta Banda con 24 alumnos de 1ero. de Secundaria en donde observarán las características y estructura del humedal así como la diversidad de aves.

Observación de Aves Migratorias en el Riu Besòs

Dissabte 10 de maig de 2014 de 10 a 14 hores al Parc del Besòs i Parc Fluvial del Besòs
Itinerari d'observació de fauna i flora
El proper dissabte 10 de maig l'Ajuntament amb col.laboració amb l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona organitza un Itinerari d'observació de fauna i flora al Parc del Besòs i Parc Fluvial del Besòs.

Les aus de la Tancada al Tardet

Activitat per identificar i observar les aus que habiten a la zona natural del a bassa de la Tancada i les antigues salines de sant Antoni.

World Migratory Birds Day in Kukes, Albania

PPNEA, within the frame of the World Migratory Birds Day, organises a birdwatching activity on 10 May 2014, 10:30, at Kashta Wetland in Kukës. Students from Kukës, as well as bird lovers and experts will take part in this event, which will take place at the nearby birdwatching tower of the wetland - built by PPNEA and the local NGO OMP in Kukës. This activity will familiarise participants with bird monitoring methods and will aim to increase the local populations' awareness on bird protection.

Birds of Roztochia

We will go for an excursion for students and pupils on the territory of ukrainian Roztochia. We will cross several biotopes (forest, meadows and ponds) to view different migratory birds of our region

The Birds in WWFOasis

Lago di Burano
Saturday 10th of May
9:00: Presentation of the day and introduction to the bird migration.
10:00: Guided tour in the area to reach the XVI century Buranaccio Tower, where i twill be possible to observe migratory birds till sunset.


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