
Birds of Roztochia

We will go for an excursion for students and pupils on the territory of ukrainian Roztochia. We will cross several biotopes (forest, meadows and ponds) to view different migratory birds of our region

The Birds in WWFOasis

Lago di Burano
Saturday 10th of May
9:00: Presentation of the day and introduction to the bird migration.
10:00: Guided tour in the area to reach the XVI century Buranaccio Tower, where i twill be possible to observe migratory birds till sunset.

Introduction to Bird Watching

On 17th May 2014. Members of the Rwanda Birding Club and the RWanda Birding Association will be holding an Introduction to Birding event. This event will be open to anyone who is interested in finding out more about birds in Rwanda.

The event will be held at the River Akagera Bridge, Bugesera District.

Akagera National Park and Grey Crowned Crane Conservation

On the 10.5.14 the Rwanda Development Board are providing a trip to Akagera National Park. The trip organised in conjunction with partners will be an opportunity to promote avitourism, to raise awareness about bird conservation and to recognise the efforts of the government, the private sector and NGOs in the conservation of wild birds. In particular conservation of the Grey Crowned Crane. There will also be some bird watching. The event is primarily targeting officials, tourism operators, conservationists and birders.

Birdwatching Workshop

Workshop de Iniciação ao Birdwatching
Dia Mundial das Aves Migratórias - 10 Maio 2014

A Waypoint, Lda. vai participar nesta campanha organizando uma visita à BioRia em Salreu, no concelho de Estarreja, um dos mais importantes sitios de observação de aves migratórias no Norte de Portugal.

O concelho de Estarreja possui uma extensa frente lagunar com a Ria de Aveiro concentrando diversos habitats recortados por múltiplos esteiros e valas num jogo de águas doces e salgadas que lhe conferem uma sublime beleza paisagística.

Día mundial del ave migratoria

A birdwatcher association celebrating the world migratory bird day at one of the most representatives ecological park in the city.

Taller de Observación de aves, en la Reserva Natural de las Aves Loro Orejiamarillo

Taller de observación de aves, con los jóvenes del municipio de Jardín Antioquia, a la Reserva Natural de las Aves Loro Orejiamarillo.
Recorrido por los senderos interpretativos
uso adecuado de la guía de aves y los binoculares
Manejo de Bitacora de campo, para el registro de las aves observadas.

IBAs conservation and tourism

WMBD 2014 will be celebrated in 4 regions of Uzbekistan by initiative of members and volunteers of Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB). Main activities will take place on IBA "Dalverzin hunting-management area" in the framework of the project "Developing mechanisms for conservation of main ecosystems of Uzbekistan". Stakeholders together with staff of the territory will place information board about value of the site for tourists, hunters and visitors.

Celebrating Bird Migration in Lake Karla

The World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated in the Natura 2000 wetland of Lake Karla, a wetland of great importance for migrating, wintering and breeding waterbirds, waders, raptors and species associated with open habitats.
A special event will take place in the city of Volos with presentations for the birds and other wildlife that hosts Lake Karla (Saturday, 19:00-21:00).
On Sunday, a daily birdwatching tour will be organised in Lake Karla (10:30-12:30).


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