
Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias en PUERTO RICO

Lectura de cuento para niños de kindergarden:
Maternillo y sus aves migratorias - Fajardo
viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Charla y caminata
Playa Los Machos - Ceiba
sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

World Migratory Bird Day in Aswan, Egypt

Bridging migratory birds with tourism, Nature Conservation Egypt (NCE) are joining forces with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), to celebrate migratory birds with those working in the field of tourism in Aswan, Egypt.

Aswan is most notably recognized for its historical heritage, but its natural heritage is becoming noticed for its huge touristic value.

Rattray Marsh Migratory Bird Walk

We will meet near the bathrooms at Jack Darling Memorial Park at 9am.

A 1.5 hour guided walk will introduce you to some of the amazing forest birds that stop to refuel in Mississauga before continuing north to their breeding grounds. No birding experience necessary. CVC will provide binoculars and field guides. Dress for the weather and trail conditions. Water and a light snack will be provided at the end of the walk.

Registration required:

¡Día Mundial de la Aves en CUSCO!

Actividades programadas:
Jueves 8 10:00 -19:00 horas. Exposición fotográfica
Jueves 8 9:00-12:00, Concurso escolar de dibujo en el Humedal Lucre-Huacarpay
Viernes 9 10:00 -19:00 horas. Exposición fotográfica
Viernes 9 16:00-19:00 horas Charlas:
Est. Manuel Llanos GAP CUSCO
Gregorio Ferro ECOAN
Dr. José Luis Venero Gonzales
Gilmar Vergara Cetrería
Sociedad Zoológica de FrankfuRT
Sábado 10 6:00 am Observación de aves en Huacarpay

La migration des oiseaux et les activités écotouristique

L'AAO Cap Bon organise une journée de suivie de la migration des oiseaux au Djebel El Haouaria. Durant cette journée, on a invité les artisans, les maisons d'hôtes, les hôtels, les restaurant, la population locale, le club d'enfant, les maisons de jeunes, les autres ONGs, d'être présent avec nous et assister à notre festival par exposition de leur produits ou implication de leurs adhérents dans cette activité, par invitation de leur clients pour assister avec nous, ....

World Migratory Bird Day with Pelatuk BSC Unnes

kegiatan pengamatan di sekitar kampus beserta underbow sebagai pengenalan burung migrasi serta pembelajaran dengan memperkenalkan secara lebih luas tentang ornitologi

Aves migratorias en libertad

A lo largo de una mañana o tarde, tanto grupos de adultos como de escolares, de Primaria y Secundaria, de la ciudad realizan las siguientes actividades:
I. visitan una exposición temporal, “Aves en libertad”. II. "juegan" a la migración. III. observan aves con prismáticos en el jardín y IV. realizan un taller de anillamiento que permite observar, a escasa distancia, como un anillador captura aves, toma datos de las mismas, las anilla y las libera.

Ministerial Press Conference and a Big birding expedition

The Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities will address the media at the Uganda Media Centre and there after a team of people from the Ministry, Uganda Wildlife Authority, Nature Uganda, Uganda Tourism Board, Uganda Wildlife Conservation Society and other Institutions will travel to join the community members around Lake Munyanyange near Queen Elizabeth National Park (a migratory birds habitat) for a birding expedition and community awareness event to commemorate the WMBD.

Celebra con SEO/BirdLife el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Rutas guiadas para observar aves migratorias; acticidades educativas con adultos, niños y escolares; anillamiento científico;voluntariado ambientales en humedales.

promoting clean environment and bird watching among school children

kids in communities along the lagoon with high bird population occasionally disturb roosting and feeding birds. habitat of these colony of birds are also threaten with plastics materials from the communities and the sea.
the event will promote bird watching among selected kids from the communities. selected lagoon areas would be cleaned by the kids to provide safe habitat for the birds whiles promoting tourism through improve sanitation.
kids will be refreshed, sensitized and provided with posters and stickers on wetlands conservation.


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