
Turismo & Birdwatching ... area di sosta "I Variconi"

Open Day nell'Area Umida Ramsar e ZPS "I Variconi".
Apertura al pubblico della Stazione Ornitologica de "I Variconi" con dimostrazione e sensibilizzazione sul tema della migrazione e dell'importanza dell'avifauna.
Attività di birdwatching ed inanellamento.
Inaugurazione della segnaletica e cartellonistica predisposta dall'Ente Riserve ai fini turistici.


In Madeira, birdwatching is possible all year around with the chance to see resident birds in their different habitats, although during the migratory season different species use the archipelago grounds as a pitstop to rest from their journeys, but also is possible to watch seabirds passing in their migratory routes from specific seawatching spots such as Porto Moniz on north coast of the island and Ponta da Cruz the southernmost point in Madeira.

Know Migratory birds Found Around Us

Presentation on Theme of the year to participants, followed by presentation of Check list of Migratory birds found around Our City with Photographs and identification remark, and finally field trip of bird watching in fields for 2 hours.

We also organize Drawing competition of kids in city area.

Bird watching

Bird Watching and symposium

workshop sugli uccelli acquatici

Nell’ambito della Giornata Europea dei Parchi il Centro R.D.P. Padule di Fucecchio e la Provincia di Pistoia, con il contributo della Regione Toscana, organizzano per il quarto anno un evento inserito nella Giornata Mondiale degli Uccelli Migratori (World Migratory Bird Day - WMBD).

Bird Watching for School Children

Bird Watching for the School Children in association with North Karnataka Bird Watchers Association in Botanical Garden of Karnataka University, Dharwad.

Taller de Introducción a las aves migratorias

Taller de introducción a las aves migratorias.
10 de Mayo
De 10:00 h. a 14:00 h. Casa de La Juventud de Los Silos (Tenerife)
El taller consistirá en una conferencia sobre el fenómeno de la migración de las aves en las islas Canarias y la costa oeste de África. Mostrando los últimos estudios realizados en este campo y dando a conocer las claves para identificar aquellas especies de aves más comunes en la región. Posteriormente realizaremos una ruta corta para observar algunas de las ave migratorias que frecuenta la costa de Los Silos.

L' Oasis de Gabès le dernier escale des oiseaux migrateurs après le grand désert ver l'Europe / The Oasis Gabes last stopover for migratory birds after the great desert worm Europe

L' Oasis de Gabès le dernier escale des oiseaux migrateurs après le grand désert ver l'Europe
1- tournée à bicyclettes à traver le circuit touristique dans les oasis de Gabès et Cheneni jusqu'à Rass el Oued.
2- journée ouverte avec les scout de la région :
- Projection et discussion d'un film sur la migration des oiseaux
- Concour de dessin sur le thème de la journée
3- organisation d'une conférance dans le local de l'association sur le thème « Les voies de migration des oiseaux : destinations touristiques »


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