
Aves migratorias en libertad

A lo largo de una mañana o tarde, tanto grupos de adultos como de escolares, de Primaria y Secundaria, de la ciudad realizan las siguientes actividades:
I. visitan una exposición temporal, “Aves en libertad”. II. "juegan" a la migración. III. observan aves con prismáticos en el jardín y IV. realizan un taller de anillamiento que permite observar, a escasa distancia, como un anillador captura aves, toma datos de las mismas, las anilla y las libera.

Ministerial Press Conference and a Big birding expedition

The Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities will address the media at the Uganda Media Centre and there after a team of people from the Ministry, Uganda Wildlife Authority, Nature Uganda, Uganda Tourism Board, Uganda Wildlife Conservation Society and other Institutions will travel to join the community members around Lake Munyanyange near Queen Elizabeth National Park (a migratory birds habitat) for a birding expedition and community awareness event to commemorate the WMBD.

Birding Campania for the World Migratory Bird Day

A day of birding in Variconi Oasi, organized by Birding Campania, EBN Italia

Celebra con SEO/BirdLife el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

Rutas guiadas para observar aves migratorias; acticidades educativas con adultos, niños y escolares; anillamiento científico;voluntariado ambientales en humedales.

promoting clean environment and bird watching among school children

kids in communities along the lagoon with high bird population occasionally disturb roosting and feeding birds. habitat of these colony of birds are also threaten with plastics materials from the communities and the sea.
the event will promote bird watching among selected kids from the communities. selected lagoon areas would be cleaned by the kids to provide safe habitat for the birds whiles promoting tourism through improve sanitation.
kids will be refreshed, sensitized and provided with posters and stickers on wetlands conservation.

Feria Internacional de las Aves de Doñana (Doñana Birdfair)

Celebrating 60th anniversary of SEO/BirdLife, a big spring festivalis organized in the heart of the Doñana marshes and with impresive populations of breeding migratory birds. La Dehesa de Abajo, with a colony of 400 pairs of White Stork (nesting on wild olive trees), and one of the areas with highest density of breeding Black Kite, and also others forest raptors, holds the event. The lagoon at this site (Laguna de la Rianzuela) holds also important populations of waders, ducks and herons (wintering, passing and breeding).

To celebrate the WMBD, the Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds (ASPB) will run a birdwatching tour for citizens in Yerevan, in the Tumanyan City Park opposite.

Itienerario ornitológico en familia / Family Birdwatching excursion

ACTIO Birding se une a las celebraciones y propone nuevamente una actividad divulgativa/educativa: paseo ornitológico en familia.

Una actividad donde los niñ@s y mayores podrán disfrutar de la naturaleza observando las aves y aprender de la mano de nuestro guía especialista curiosidades sobre las aves viajeras que ya han regresado a nuestra zona para criar desde sus áreas de invernada en el continente africano!!

Migratory bird day at Danilovgrad

To increase the knowledge about the importance of migratory birds our organisation NGO ,,Natural History Association of Montenegro" will organize field activities in the territory of the municipality Dailovgrad at representative locations for all interested! They will be educated about migratory species in our country.

Birding Campania for the World Bird Migratory Day

Una giornata di birdwatching e monitoraggio naturalistico organizzata dai soci di Birdingcampania, il nodo campano di EBN ITALIA, presso l'area umida Ramsar de "i Variconi", Castelvolturno (CE).


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