
Save Light for The Future of Migratory Birds

Aceh has a fairly large coastline, with the eastern part of Aceh bordering Thailand and Malaysia, the Indian Ocean, and Andaman Islands. The strategic location strongly supports the presence of migratory birds internationally along the East Asia-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). From the results of research conducted by Van Mrie & Voous (1988); Crossland (2000); Iqbal et al (2010); Iqbal et al (2013); Putra et al (2019); Iqbal et al (2020), they recorded 42 species of coastal birds that migrated along the east coast of Aceh province.

Conociendo a las aves de mi comunidad

Se realizaran actividades dirigidas a público en general a una colonia de la ciudad de Chilpancingo, con el objetivo de generar conciencia sobre la importancia de las aves en nuestras comunidades, su conservación y amenazas. Con enfásis en las aves migratorias que visitan nuestra comunidad, visibilizando las problemáticas a las que se enfrenta en su viaje durante su migración.


1. Proyección de cine-documental

2. Exposición fotográfica

3. Recorrido de observación de aves en la comunidad


Guanajuato 4º Campamento del Día Mundial de las aves Migratorias

 Comenzaremos con conferencias y dinámicas aprendiendo sobre la importancia de las aves y su migración. Al anochecer se proyectarán películas/documentales al aire libre con temas de importancia en la conservación de las aves. Al amanecer tendremos un recorrido por el parque y parte del ANP Cerro de Arandas, finalizando con una comida (picnic) y agradecimiento a los participantes.

Syria, the bottle Neck of migrating birds

Ministry of Education celebrate The world migratory bird day 2021 through different activities including broadcasting a videofilm about Bird Migration, announcing this event in all educational multimedia and showing the importance of Syria as a main center for crossing different species of birds during migration.

On the Wings of a Godwit

A musical journey to the ends of the earth and back...

The Bowerbird Collective, in collaboration with artists Kate Gorringe-Smith (The Overwinting Project) and Alfira O'Sullivan (Suara Indonesia Dance), presents 'On the Wings of a Godwit'.

An online performance celebrating World Migratory Bird Day, supported by the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership and Burung Indonesia, this is an unmissable 20-minute audio experience premiering on October 10, 8pm AEST, 6pm UTC, 5pm WIB.

Two versions, one in English and one in Indonesian:

Protection of migratory birds habitat at Tengkuyung Beach, Sungai Nibung Village, Kubu Raya Regency Event

1. Stadium Generale is a seminar venue with 50 participants. Present as speakers were the Minister of Environment and Forestry, the Governor of West Kalimantan, the Regent of Kubu Raya, Stake Holders, academics, non-governmental organizations.
2. Regular events consist of Opening Ceremony, Seminar, Welcoming Party, Outbound, Birdwatching, Fieldtrip, Closing Ceremony.
3. Social Action is the activity of planting trees, cleaning the village, campaigning for wildlife conservation.

Bird ringing

Another social activity for considering social distancing in coronavirus time and because of the focus on tools that show us birds’ flyways in this year, the Avayeboom Society has made a video clip about what bird ringing is, how it works and showed its bird ringing activities to make people aware of the importance of bird banding.

First there were feathers...

'First there were feathers...' is a music project by Wendy McNeill that explores our connection to birds.

Drawing from scientific studies, literature, myth, and personal experience, McNeill explores these fascinating descendants of dinosaurs and how their fate is linked to our own.

This event will premiere a short video which introduces the first scene of the project. It also includes a written introduction on the wonder of Migration by Dave Warrington from Valencia Birding.

World Migratory Bird Day 2020 in Indonesia with HIMPUS

World Migratory Bird Day 2020 in Indonesia this year will be celebrated with a series of events starting from  1 October 2020. This year's celebration is a bit different from a few years ago because in Indonesia the COVID-19 prevention will continue until the end of May. But the efforts of the Poultry Lovers Student Association (HIMPUS) of the Veterinary Faculty of Syiah Kuala University did not want the closedown to become an obstacle to continuing to make people aware of the habitat and species of migratory birds. Activities which will be held by HIMPUS are namely:


Children's Summer Camp May 2019 commemorating WMBD 2019

Children's Summer Camp May 2019 commemorating WMBD 2019 Educational and Entertainment activities, Awareness on Plastic Pollution, Migratory birds, Nature and Environmental conservation and protection. For Children and their parents. ORGANISED BY : DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD, TELANGANA, INDIA. IN ASSOCIATION WITH SRI HOLISTIC HEALTH FOUNDATION INDIA & ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTING SOCIAL ACTION (APSA), HYDERABAD COMMEMORATING : WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY - 11 MAY (SECOND SATURDAY OF MAY) “ WMBD 2019 THEME : PROTECT BIRDS : BE THE SOLUTION TO PLASTIC POLLUTION ! ” On 2nd WEEK OF MAY 2019 At ANGANWADI CENTRE, MAISAMMA BANDA, HYDERABAD, INDIA. For more information: CSCM 2019 & WMBD 2019 Coordinator: +91 970 550 3767, [email protected] , Participation certificates will be provided to the participants. Free Registration. Children's and Parents are invited.


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