Media Event

Fourth Annual WMBD Event in Terengganu, Malaysia

For the fourth year in a row, the University Malaysia Terengganu, University Sultan Zain Alabidin and the Malaysian Nature Society Terengganu Branch are joining efforts again to celebrate the WMBD2018, and raise awareness on bird migration and conservation. 


El Día Mundial de la Aves Migratorias en Ancón, busca sensibilizar entre el público visitante al parque Central y Balneario de Ancón sobre la importancia de conservar a las aves especialmente a las aves migratorias.

El evento contará con talleres educativos, conferencias y observación de aves. 

La participación es libre! 

Reason for Hope - an event at Rosegg Animal Park

We are celebrating World Migratory Bird Day with an event at Rosegg Animal Park. 

The event program includes info stands, presentations, a guided tour at Northern Bald Ibis aviary, movie screenings, crafts and other activities for children. A talk on reintroduction of Northern Bald Ibis in Europe by Life project and a lecture on bird migration are among other event highlights.

Below, please, find the detailed event program in German:


Reason for Hope – Veranstaltung im Tierpark Rosegg

12. und 13. Mai 2018

World Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo

Organizing birdwatching along with an educational activity for children from neighboring schools of Henci/ Radeva Wetland. All those activities will be followed by local and national media.

World Migratory Bird Day 2018 "Unifying our Voices for Bird Conservation" with HIMPUS

     We, UKM HIMPUS - student representation of Veterinary Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, will carry out our second organized event to spread the word about WMBD. In 2015, UKM HIMPUS participated in a WMBD event organized by Aceh Birder. In 2016 - 2017 UKM HIMPUS continued WMBD celebrations as an organizer. So, this year we would like to continue our engagement in WMBD celebrations.

The series of activities that we propose starting in April 30th and then May 13th, 2018 as the peak of the celebration, namely:

World Migratory Bird Day @ Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory

May 20th - Guided Bird Hikes, Live Raptor Exhibit and Talk, Bird Banding, Native Plant Sale, Ecological Rummage Sale, Fun Workshops for Families, Wildlife Experts, & More! FREE and Open to the Public! Rain or Shine – Food Available

Education on The World Migratory Bird Day in Kosovo

As usual NGO "FINCH" organized this annual event in Kosovo too. 

It organized it first to the Lake of Brezne and then climbed up at the camp of Limth in Dragashi Municipality where we think is the best bird place in Kosovo, one can find different species of birds and their habitat.

Bird Art Flash Mob

Organized by the Bird Whisperer Project (, this event is a social media flash-mob of bird art by artists from across the world on the theme of migratory birds. It is open to all, and anyone who wishes to participate beyond today's post is welcome to send a .jpg of their art to [email protected] to get added to that group post.

Ziua Mondiala a Pasarilor Migratoare in Satu Mare

With the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day on May 10th, which is celebrated annually all over the world, The Environmental Protection Agency Satu Mare (APM Satu Mare) organized this year, at the Environmental and Nature Protection Information Center Andrid, an information and awareness raising action of the stakeholders.

World migratory bird day

With the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day on May 10th, which is celebrated annually all over the world, The Environmental Protection Agency Satu Mare organized this year, at the Environmental and Nature Protection Information Center Andrid,, an information and awareness raising action of the stakeholders.


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