Media Event

Stork day festival

Primary school „ Strasho Pindjur “ Chesinovo and the municipality of Cheshinovo-Obleshevo are orginizing the Stork day festival 2017 for the fifth time, since the municipality received the European Stork village award in 2013. Cheshinovo-Obleshevo has one of the largest populations of White Storks, with over 70 nests built on roofs and electrical pylons. The friendly attitude of the locals to the storks was also one of the main reasons why this municipality received the award.

Rôle du Parc national des Oiseaux du Djoudj dans la conservation des oiseaux migrateurs: comment améliorer les efforts de suivi

conférence autour de la thématique cité en titre. cette conférence regroupera les agents du parc, l'assoication des volontaires écogardes de la Zico du djoudj, les enseignants des écoles de la périphérie du parc, les chefs de villages et des élèves. il yaura aussi un affichage de poster dans les écoles.

Taqah team

The Taqah Team will make a photography exhibit in 5/10/2017 to 5/12/2017 and in 5/11/2017 in doing so, they will will go to watch birds.

Un partenariat fort, Un avenir brillant!

Afin de mettre en lumière l'importance du partenariat pour une bonne  gestion zones humides  au profil de l'hômme et l'oiseaux, Nature Mauritanie et le Parc National du Diawling la commémorent la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs avec les écoliers du Zira Sbekha et Zira Tachrediente (02 écoles du PND) à travers:

- Un concour de dessin: "Mon oiseau préféré"

- Une sortie pédagogique: Pourquoi prendre soin des oiseaux?

- Un sketch: La gestion des zones humides;

- Un article sur la journée: Mieux connaitre, pour mieux protégé!


Homat Al Hima - The Way of Life to Sustainable Development - Kids Day

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon, in collaboration with the municipality of Kherbet Kanafar, will be hosting a national conference titled “Homat Al Hima - The Way of Life, for Sustainable Development”, under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism. The two-day-conference is planned in partnership with the West Bekaa Country Club and Homat Al Hima International; funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - SDC and MAVA Foundation.

United event for the World Migratory Bird Day

Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia invited individuals and organizations that love birds to celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day in 2017. The celebration will be a joint united event by the Mongolian Bird Watching Club, Mongolian Bird Conservation Center, Gamma Photography Agency, United Association of Mongolian Photographers, and the Ulaanbaatar City Government.

Ciencia Ciudadana en el Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Taller y trabajo de Campo)

Dentro del Programa de Participación y Sensibilización Ambiental en la Red Natura2000 de Andalucía (Parque Natural de los Alcornocales)

Ciencia Ciudadana en el Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Taller y trabajo de Campo). 
Usos de pequeñas herramientas informáticas para procesar observaciones de campo. Centro de Visitantes de el Bosque (Cádiz)

Jornada técnica: De 10:00 a 12:00
Trabajo de campo: De 12:00 a 14:00

Les Oiseaux et nous (Birds and us)

The « Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée » or CBG is a mining company exploiting bauxite since 1973 and co-owned by the Government of Guinea and international companies such as ALCO, Rio Tinto Alcan, etc.

To be aligned with international best practice, CBG has implemented a Biodiversity Program since  August 2016.

The objective of the CBG’s Biodiversity program is to implement a sustainable approach by engaging internal and external stakeholders.

World Migratory Bird Day

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature through the Aqaba Bird Observatory in cooperation with Ayla Project and BirdLife International cordially invites you and your family to attend the World Migratory Birds Day event , under the theme "Stop the illegal killing, taking and trade!" to protect the birds, and to indicate the value of Jordan’s location as a second flyway for migratory birds world, on Wednesday, 10 August 2016.

Bird Watching due to world migratory bird day

Avayeboom bird conservation society, in order to associate with the motto of this year's World, during a public meeting decided to put their education section on culture making with regard to not purchasing and non-trade the birds within the year of focus. At the first step in this field, Avayeboom by printing brochures and infographics has started its activities in this regard.


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