Educational Activity

Wings of Spring Festival

The St. Croix Valley Bird Club will host a World Migratory Bird Day Festival at City Hall in River Falls on May 7, 2022. There will be a bird hike on the White Pathway at 8 am. From 8 am to noon, Carpenter Nature Center will be banding birds, and children's activities are from 10 am to 12 pm. Kids can paint wooden bird cutouts and have their "wingspan" measured and be banded.



Nature Regina's Bird Safe Initiative

Our goal is to make our city safer for birds by raising awareness of the issue of window collisions facing birds. We focus our efforts on two main events held during the spring and fall migration periods.These events will focus on rescuing and collecting birds downtown that have collided with buildings to raise public awareness of the issue. The data we collect will be used to help make the city safer for birds. This is a great way to for novice and experienced birders alike to connect, observe, and help birds in an urban environment.

Wings Over Surfside

Please join us April 9, 2022 from noon to 4:00pm for Wings Over Surfside,  our 3rd annual birding event in honor of World Migratory Bird Day!

Bird City Surfside will be your host and we will have educational and craft vendors, wine tasting, speakers, games and giveaways and so much more! 

Tiffany Kersten, our keynote speaker is a Wisconsin native, turned Texan by way of New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Hawaii. She holds a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology from Northland College, and has spent over a decade as an environmental educator.

Bald Eagle Appreciation Day

Bald Eagle Appreciation Day is a birding event celebrating the Bald Eagle.  Event will be an educational event with a variety of vendors and presenters including live bird shows.  

Migratory Bird Day at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

The International Dark-Sky Association recognizes Hagerman NWR as a dark sky community; we will be hosting a  2 part full-day event on May 14th. The event will be hosted by three teams collaborating, including staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas Bluestem Master Naturalists, and The Friends of Hagerman.

Part 1: Meet at the refuge in the multipurpose event room at 10 am CST for hands-on educational activities and programming covering migratory birds and their relationship with the night sky.

Conociendo a las aves de mi comunidad

Se realizaran actividades dirigidas a público en general a una colonia de la ciudad de Chilpancingo, con el objetivo de generar conciencia sobre la importancia de las aves en nuestras comunidades, su conservación y amenazas. Con enfásis en las aves migratorias que visitan nuestra comunidad, visibilizando las problemáticas a las que se enfrenta en su viaje durante su migración.


1. Proyección de cine-documental

2. Exposición fotográfica

3. Recorrido de observación de aves en la comunidad


Papay Beach (litter) Clean & bird counts

A small group of mainly young folk carried out a 'bag the bruck' (collecting litter) event from beaches and shorelines of Papa Westray, whilst a bird count of the island also take place the following weekend. Over 20 bags of beach litter were collected for disposal, including discarded fishing gear, plastic of various forms and even a helmet! While out collecting rubbish, a beautiful flock of Whooper Swans flew in from the sea, just arriving from Iceland, and landed on the island's main loch.

Soaring over the Himalayas with a tag - updates from Sri Lanka's migratory bird satellite tagging program by FOGSL

Sri Lanka’s satellite-tagging project which is a collaboration between the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (BirdLife affiliate of the country) with Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wetland International started to unravel mysteries of migration, with one of its birds reaching the roof of the world. Join this event to get more updates while celebrating the World Migratory Bird Day 2021. Agenda is as follows 

Is bird migration an annual cycle? An education and conservation campaign around the W-Arly-Pendjari complex.

World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) will be celebrated in Benin by SOS Savane, a conservation NGO. We will be hosting virtual and physical events to commemorate WYDL.

For the first phase of May 08, on our social networks we had to raise awareness and bring our public to act for migratory birds. To mark the second phase of October 09, here are some ideas to inspire World Migration Day this year with communities and schools around the Pendjari complex which is home to the Pendjari River, Ramsar site 1669.


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