Educational Activity

Jornée d'obsdervation des oiseaux Migrateurs par les agriculteurs observateurs et association Environnement

Journée d'apprentissage et d'information sur l'observation des oiseaux d'eau au profit des agriculteurs de Chekfa formés comme observateurs amateur ; se sont associer a cet Evénement et à leur demande l'association protection de l'environnement d'El kennar pour la premiere fois pour se former comme observateurs des oiseaux migrateur sachant que leurs region est une zone humide de haute valeur

Bird Watching in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq

As a conservationist group at the University of Sulaimani, we will arrange several activities in mid May, including: photo exhibition of nature, bird watching...ect.

Aves Migratorias en la provincia de Imbabura

En atención al pedido presentado a la Dirección Provincial del Ambiente de Imbabura, del Ministerio del Ambiente, me permito indicarle que se realizaran eventos de sensibilización en instituciones educativas y comunidades en los sitios frecuentados por las aves migratorias, recorridos de campo con estudiantes de las Universidades de la Provincia, donde participaran Instituciones Públicas y Privadas, Gobiernos Locales, Provinciales y Parroquiales, ruedas de prensa para promover el evento.

“Destination Flyways: Migratory Birds and Tourism*

Education programme for the school primary and secontary in the Natural Museum in Serres


hoorolazim birds
hoveyzeh environment office

Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias en PUERTO RICO

Lectura de cuento para niños de kindergarden:
Maternillo y sus aves migratorias - Fajardo
viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Charla y caminata
Playa Los Machos - Ceiba
sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

World Migratory Bird Day in Aswan, Egypt

Bridging migratory birds with tourism, Nature Conservation Egypt (NCE) are joining forces with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), to celebrate migratory birds with those working in the field of tourism in Aswan, Egypt.

Aswan is most notably recognized for its historical heritage, but its natural heritage is becoming noticed for its huge touristic value.

Rattray Marsh Migratory Bird Walk

We will meet near the bathrooms at Jack Darling Memorial Park at 9am.

A 1.5 hour guided walk will introduce you to some of the amazing forest birds that stop to refuel in Mississauga before continuing north to their breeding grounds. No birding experience necessary. CVC will provide binoculars and field guides. Dress for the weather and trail conditions. Water and a light snack will be provided at the end of the walk.

Registration required:


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