Educational Activity

World Migratory Bird Day

On May 7, 2014 was celebrated World Migratory Bird Day by organizing educational activities and public awareness. Together with the National College Students Union of Universidad Veracruzana, Teleorman two actions were carried out environmental education consisting of ornithological observations in the Natura 2000 site ROSPA0024 confluence of the Danube River, and a power point presentation with the debate of 2014, and a press media.

5° Conteo de Aves de las Altas Montañas de Veracruz/ 5th Bird Count of the High Mountains of Veracruz

The event is aimed at public college students, high school students and general On May 30 we impart to the participants a workshop course to observing and identifying birds in the Unit Library and Information Services of the Universidad Veracruzana (USBI-UV, for its acronym in Spanish)in Córdoba City, Veracruz. On May 31 we will tour the Cañón del Río Blanco National Park, identifying and counting all species of birds that we can find.

Farewell Shorebirds

BirdLife Australia is launching an exciting nationwide event, Farewell Shorebirds, focusing on the fascinating lives of some of the 35 species of shorebirds. Farewell Shorebirds will run from mid-April until mid-May, concluding on World Migratory Bird Day (10 May). Highlighting the captivating story of the shorebirds’ annual global migration from Australia to the Arctic, Farewell Shorebirds will explore why the birds make this incredible journey and how they rely on Australia’s wetlands, coastlines and estuaries for their survival.

11 de mayo, Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias en Urdaibai Bird Center

Durante toda la mañana, Urdaibai Bird Center celebrará con los visitantes la importancia de las aves migratorias que visitan la Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai, introduciendo a todo el que se acerque en el fascinante mundo de las aves. Entre otras actividades, habrá una jornada divulgativa de anillamiento científico de aves, visitas guiadas gratuitas al centro y observación de aves migratorias con ayuda de técnicos del centro.

World Migratory Bird Day 2014

The staff of EPA Zalau participated in 4 gymnasiums from Zalau and organized PPT presentations about the rol of migratory bird.

Limpieza Humedal Con Con

Haremos una limpieza del humedal de Con Con para contribuir a la nidificación y residencia de las aves que habitan y migran a él.

Nature Iraq 10th Anniversary

As part of Nature Iraq's 10th Anniversary Festival, we will be celebrating World Migratory Bird Day by conducting birdwatching trips, displaying a photo exhibition, and holding an educational event for children.

Ornithological observations - Tălăbasca Lake

EPA Galati organize ornithological observations in ROSPA0071 Lunca Siretului Inferior - nature reserve Tălăbasca Lake , with the participation of 20 students from the High School Technology "Tudor Vladimirescu" . Children had the opportunity to observe more species of birds including rare species such as Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) , Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea), Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) or Squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides).

World Migratory Bird Day 2014 celebrated in China

The National Bird Banding Center of China hold World Migratory Bird Day 2014 in Beijing botanical garden. The type of the activity was an educational activity introducing people to migratory birds and bird-watching tourism etc.


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