
Birdwatching at Barvi Dam, Maharashtra, India

Birdwatching event planned at Barvi Dam, Near Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Also we will be writing an article in Maharashtra Times Newspaper about migrants.

Екологічний урок " Всесвітній день мігруючих птахів!", " Мігруючі птахи природного заповідника "Єланецький степ""

  1. Екологічний урок " Всесвітній день мігруючих птахів!" буде проведено 11.10.2020 року для учнів  3 класу Калинівського ЗЗСО . Під час уроку діти будуть спостерігати за птахими.
  2. Екологічний урок "Мігруючи птахи природного заповідника Єланецький степ" буде проведено 12.10.2020 року для учнів 6-7 класів Новоолександрівського ЗЗСО. Під час уроку діти дізнаються про види птахів, які перебувають на території природного заповідника "Єланецький степ", а також які птахи є мігруючими.

Virtual eco-tourist tour in Ghar El Melh

Birdwatching and eco-tourism "go hand in hand" and when migratory birds are "on the menu" it becomes really interesting. Let us take you for an eco-tourism tour organized by the Association "Les Amis des Oiseaux" (AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia) and its local partners within the framework of the GEMWET project in Ghar El Melh.

Sebkhet Sejoumi Virtual Migratory Bird Race

Staff and members of Association "Les Amis des Oiseaux" (AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia) love birds and love to see as many of them as possible and ideally many differents species. Sebkhet Sejoumi is exactly the urban wetland that allows you to see many migratory (water) bird species in one place. On the 17th of October a small team of AAO/BirdLife in Tunisia field observers will share with you virtually what they see during a half day survey visit in this Ramsar wetland.

AFLÝST - CANCELED Alþjóðlegi farfugladagurinn - að hausti

Vegna samkomutakmarkana við 20 manns sjáum við okkur ekki annað fært en að aflýsa þessum fyrirhugaða viðburði. Vonandi tekst okkur að taka upp þráðinn. – Farið varlega.

Alþjóðlegi farfugladagurinn að hausti er þann 10. október. Af því tilefni efnir Fuglavernd til fuglaskoðunar við Bakkatjörn á Seltjarnarnesi.
Við hittumst á bílastæðinu við Gróttu og brottför þaðan verður kl. 10.00 laugardaginn 10. október.
Til leiðsagnar verður Trausti Gunnarsson, stjórnarmaður Fuglaverndar og leiðsögumaður.

Gli Stagni del Sinis, storie di antiche e nuove rotte

The Sinis area has been, since long time ago, a crucial area for migration routes not only for birds but also for us. We'll be going on an excursion through an important archeologic area and observe the biodiveristy in the area to analyze which species are crossing the sardinian wetlands in the season and explain to visitors the particularities and curiositis about the birds that live or pass through western Sardinia.

WWF - Migratory Bird Excursion

Hiking tour from the mainland to Baltrum Island in the Wadden Sea. The excursion is being conducted in cooperation with the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF). The meeting point is at the port of Nessmersiel, followed by hiking (4h) with low tide over the mudflats to Baltrum Island, part of the UNSECO World heritage site of the Waddensea. A National Park Guide will explain the outstanding value of the Waddensea area for 12 millions migratory birds in the East Atlantic Flyway.

Soglitelle Wetland Open Days

An educational two days at Soglitelle wetland will be spent with ornithologists during their monitoring activities!

Learn and meet the migrants

Green Planet is organizing a classroom presentations and a birdwatching session at an urban wetland for the undergraduates of the coastal resources management programme of the Ocean University of Sri Lanka.  The organizer is a freshly formed biodiversity conservation group comprising of experienced naturalists and ecologists from around the country.

Célébration de la Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs(JMOM) 2020 à Kamsar et Sangaredi

From 3 to 6 October 2020 in the two localities of the CBG concession, first in Sangaredi and then in Kamsar, Region of Boké, Guinea Republic, WMBD will be celebrated through "face to face" and "radio" sensitization around species' migratory challenges first and second hand through a "birdwatching competition" with employees and students from surounding schools. The first three birdwatchers from each observer category will win some gift, such as books, T-shirts, caps and other goodies.


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