
WMBD Celebration

There will be bird watching around Lake Koka on the first day. On the second day there will be an early bird watching on the shores of Lake Abijata and Lake Shalla followed by an out-door discussion with the participants reflections regarding what they have experienced from the trip. Besides, experts shall deliver brief talking about birds in general and the relationship between this year’s WMBD and tourism.

World Migratory Bird Day

This year event will start with a Seminar on important of migratory birds and their habitat; presentation on the work we are doing on migratory and why we are doing it Bird watching excursion, radio discussion program to reach the provinces, Environmental video show and distribution posters and Brochures.

Ørland Våtmarkssenter markerer Verdens Trekkfugldag

Verdens trekkfugldag søndag 11.05.2014 Program Kl 10:00 Foredrag: «Trekkfugler og deres utrolige reiser». Jørgen Skavdal Søraker, NOF Fosen. Sted: Ørland Våtmarkssenter. Kl 11:00 Fugletitting med guide i Grandefjæra Kl 12:00 Innvielse av nye benker og bord i amfiet i Grandefjæra. Natursti for både voksne og barn, mulighet for grilling, fugletitting med guide Kl 14:00 «Åpning» av lyddusj i utstillinga i Ørland Våtmarkssenter Avslutning Arr. Ørland Våtmarssenter i samarbeid med NOF Fosen

5° Conteo de Aves de las Altas Montañas de Veracruz/ 5th Bird Count of the High Mountains of Veracruz

The event is aimed at public college students, high school students and general On May 30 we impart to the participants a workshop course to observing and identifying birds in the Unit Library and Information Services of the Universidad Veracruzana (USBI-UV, for its acronym in Spanish)in Córdoba City, Veracruz. On May 31 we will tour the Cañón del Río Blanco National Park, identifying and counting all species of birds that we can find.

Birding Campania for the World Migratory Bird Day

A day of birding in Variconi Oasi, organized by Birding Campania, EBN Italia

Baringo Migratory Bird Flyway

Planned activities are: bird watching, lectures, excursions, displaying and selling bird equipment

Ornithological observations - Tălăbasca Lake

EPA Galati organize ornithological observations in ROSPA0071 Lunca Siretului Inferior - nature reserve Tălăbasca Lake , with the participation of 20 students from the High School Technology "Tudor Vladimirescu" . Children had the opportunity to observe more species of birds including rare species such as Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) , Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea), Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) or Squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides).

World Migratory Bird Day 2014

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources in Region VII, Philippines was celebrate the World Migratory Bird Day last May 10,2014 at Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary. The DENR-7 conducted a Field Exercise on Migratory Bird Identification and Orientation on the importance of migratory birds/ biodiversity and a painting contest which is participated by the High School Students of Sta. Rosa National High School.

Día Mundial de las Aves y Día Internacional de las Aves Migratorias

Dia Mundial Aves Migratorias - Tucuman Argentina
9 de mayo de 2014
Organizado por
80 Alumnos (Burruyacú).
Coordinado: Lic. Ana Levi y Dra. Ada Echevarria
Disertantes: Dra. Ada Echevarria, Mgter. María Elisa Fanjul, Lics. María Valeria Martínez y Mariana Orce; Sres. Gonzalo Matías Salas y Ramiro Eugenio Saleme Klyver. Colaboración de Guías y Jardineros del Jardín Botánico de la FML.

Wolrd Migratory Bird Day

The event started with a nature walk to Lake Munyanyange where 12 Afro-tropical and 5 Palearctic migrants were recorded. This was followed by an exercise dubbed “Keep Katwe Clean” which aimed at raising awareness on solid waste management as a means of maintaining the integrity sites of migratory birds.
Lakes Munyanyange and Katwe, found in Katwe town council are bird migration stopovers in Uganda and present a unique opportunity to watch different migratory birds such as the Lesser Flamingo, Lesser-black-backed Gulls and Pied Avocets among others.


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