
daw A. Haddoud

study nesting sea bird in Libyan coast especially endogenous species

Birding-rally "Geese and swans"

Spring traditional Birding Rally "Geese&Swans" is an ornithological team sport competition by car. Each team should reach each section of the rally route within the time limit, photographing and identifying the greatest possible number of bird species encountered on the route. This route will go through natural protected areas and historic sites and that consider birding as an important strategy that can contribute effectively to the conservation of most diverse and threatened areas. It is a 3 day event that brings together around 70 people

Celebrating World Migration Bird Day in Kenya

Various Site Support Groups will be participating in the various activities aacross the country to mark/celebrate the WMBD.

Birdwatch with our silent electric powered boat in beautiful Asese Bay.

THE Birdwatching Experience you should not miss! 3hours, U$75/boat (up to 4 clients), includes transport from Granada, local islander guide (Spanish speaking), silent electric powered boat, binoculars & bird’s list. Price does not include the local 15% sales tax. Bilingual guide also available for US$35/boat. Everyday of the week is available, with previous booking. Best time to go: 6am. The electric motor allows you to take very nice close-up pictures as the motor is totally silent and therefore will not scare the birds away.


Por cuarto año consecutivo, la Asociación para el Desarrollo Campesino - ADC, el grupo Herederos del Planeta Los Tucanes y el Santuario de Flora y Fauna Isla La Corota, coordinan y promueven la jornada de observación de Aves Acuáticas y terrestres del Humedal Ramsar de La Cocha y sus alrededores, donde están presentes más de 20 especies migratorias. En este día, también se desarrolla conversatorios de la importancia de conservar los hábitats de las aves, que aumenten los niveles de sensibilización ambiental de los participantes y de la comunidad encaneña en general.

World Migratory Bird Day

On May 7, 2014 was celebrated World Migratory Bird Day by organizing educational activities and public awareness. Together with the National College Students Union of Turnu Magurele, Teleorman two actions were carried out environmental education consisting of ornithological observations in the Natura 2000 site ROSPA0024 confluence of the Danube River, and a power point presentation with the debate of 2014, and a press media.

Die große Zugvogelbeobachtungstour zum Weltzugvogeltag

Die große Zugvogelbeobachtungstour zum Weltzugvogeltag „Zielflugrouten: Zugvögel und Tourismus“? Zugvogelbeobachtung für Kinder und Erwachsene mit dem Fahrrad oder der Kutsche Diese geführte Exkursion mit der Langeooger Dipl. Umweltwissenschaftlerin Birte Weinbecker ist ein besonderer Leckerbissen für Naturliebhaber. Die Tour startet wahlweise mit Rad am Deichschart oder der Kutsche am Poldereck bis zur Osthütte (ca. 9 km), entlang der besten Vogelbeobachtungsplätze Langeoogs. Es wird ca. zwei km am Strand zu Fuß zurückgelegt.


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