World Migratory Bird Day 2019 - Protect birds: be the solution to plastic pollution |
2019 |
Romania |
31/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Let s find a sollution for plastic pollution! |
2019 |
Romania |
29/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Protect birds! Let's be the soluttion for plastic pollution! |
2019 |
Romania |
25/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
2019 |
Romania |
21/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Birds and biodiversity |
2019 |
Romania |
18/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
2019 |
Romania |
16/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Păsări migratoare în ariile protejate din județul Satu Mare |
2019 |
Romania |
16/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Working Group inside the LIFE project "Conservation of the Red-breasted Goose along the Global Flyway" |
2019 |
Romania |
16/Oct/2019 |
Other |
World Migratory Bird Day |
2019 |
Romania |
16/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Ziua Mondială a Păsărilor Migratoare - octombrie 2019 / World Migratory Bird Day - october 2019 |
2019 |
Romania |
15/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Ziua Mondială a Păsărilor Migratoare / World Migratory Bird Day |
2019 |
Romania |
15/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
World Migratory Bird Day II 2019 |
2019 |
Romania |
15/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Education/awareness activities |
2019 |
Romania |
14/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution! |
2019 |
Romania |
11/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
,,Protejați păsările! Să găsim soluția la poluarea cu deșeurile din plastic” |
2019 |
Romania |
11/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Protect the birds, finding the solutions to remove the plastic waste |
2019 |
Romania |
10/Oct/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Să protejăm păsările migratoare |
2019 |
Romania |
21/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Educational Activity |
2019 |
Romania |
20/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
World Migratory Bird Day 2019 |
2019 |
Romania |
17/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Ecological education actions on the World Day of Migration Passengers Passages |
2019 |
Romania |
16/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Stop the pollution with plastic waste |
2019 |
Romania |
16/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
World Migratory Bird Day - 11 may 2019 |
2019 |
Romania |
15/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Let`s learn about migratory birds 2019 |
2019 |
Romania |
14/May/2019 |
Birdwatching, Educational Activity |
Pasarile migratoare din Romania! |
2019 |
Romania |
14/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution! |
2019 |
Romania |
14/May/2019 |
Birdwatching, Educational Activity |
Let`s learn about migratory birds and bird migration! |
2019 |
Romania |
13/May/2019 |
Birdwatching, Educational Activity |
World Migratory Bird Day |
2019 |
Romania |
13/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
World Migratory Bird Day 2019 |
2019 |
Romania |
13/May/2019 |
Other |
"Dincolo de Poarta Torii" - Primăvara Niponă - Ziua Păsărilor |
2019 |
Romania |
13/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
2019 |
Romania |
13/May/2019 |
Birdwatching, Educational Activity |
Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic Pollution! |
2019 |
Romania |
11/May/2019 |
Birdwatching |
We wait for migratory birds and reduce the amount of waste |
2019 |
Romania |
10/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Plasticul ameninta viata pasarilor! |
2019 |
Romania |
10/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Protejați păsările! Să găsim soluția la poluarea cu deșeurile din plastic! |
2019 |
Romania |
10/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
Iubim pasarile si le protejam! |
2019 |
Romania |
09/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
"Protected birds: be the solution to plastic pollution"! |
2019 |
Romania |
09/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |
• Ornithological observations in ROSPA0157 Mlaștina Iezer Dorohoi |
2019 |
Romania |
09/May/2019 |
Birdwatching |
2019 |
Romania |
08/May/2019 |
Educational Activity |