Knowing migratory birds, Líbano Tolima

The activity "knowing migratory birds" is an event to be held in the town of Lebanon Tolima and seeks as its main objective, closer to the community and knowledge of a migration flows enerjeticos leads, their importances, benefits and of course, subsequent conservation,
It is intended in two days, first show images, data and all manner of knowledge and sensitization to migratory birds, where some models of birds to be painted, the day will begin with a field trip where it aims to bring more children and natural environments as well as migratory birds.
The event is organized for children aged between 7 and 13 years old From the Township Líbano.

Calle 4a Carrera 11
Libano 4° 55' 16.3128" N, 75° 3' 53.8884" W
Start date: 
Monday, May 11, 2015 - 10:00
End date: 
Monday, May 11, 2015 - 14:00
Avifauna Norte del Tolima (