World Migratory Bird Day 2007 at Lake Nakuru National Park

The World Migratory Birds Day 2007, the second such celebration to be held in Kenya was celebrated at Lake Nakuru National Park Eduational Centre on 12th May 2007. The event organised courtesy of Kenya Wildlife Service(KWS) Wetlands Programme involved a number of talk shows on various issues as migratory birds, the role of L. Nakuru as a migratory bird habitat, community role in conservation of migratory birds habitat and adaptations of migrant birds.

Officiating its opening, the Assistant Director - Central Rift; Ms. Ann Kahihia empahsized the speciality of L. Nakuru National Park; the reowned Ornithological spectacle of the world and its role as a Ramsar site and as an important wetland utilized by most migratory birds. She further urged particiapnts to the 1-day workshop to uptake individual responsibilities in conservation of birds and their habitats. She suggested the formation of a Lake Nakuru Bird Watchers Club that should organize bird watching excursions in the various scenic sites in Nakuru.

Participants to the 1-day workshop included local community youth conservation groups from Ndabibi, Lake Naivasha Riparian Association and Friends of Lake Nakuru, Friends of Kinagop, KEBCRI, GHYG, Eburru forest conservation group and experts from Kenya Willdife Service HQS- Wetlands Programme, National Museums of Kenya- Ornithology Department , Lake Nakuru National Park,and Nature Kenya.

The marking of the event involved talk shows from representatives of expert organizations and later a field excursion along the Lake Nakuru lakeshore where participants were involved in an on ground bird indentification and watching and a first-hand display of climatic change effects on migrant birds habitats.

Particiapnts commended the KWS- Wetlands Programme and in particular the organizer of the event Ms. Jane Wambugu for her efforts in marking this important global event. They further recommended the publicity of subsequent events inorder to capture a wider audience and also bring into light the important aspects of migratory birds and climate change.

The event was a great success as most participants learned more on migratory birds and their roles in conservation of migratory birds habitats.

Lake Nakuru National Park 0° 22' 0.0012" S, 36° 4' 59.9988" E
Start date: 
Friday, May 11, 2007 - 02:00
End date: 
Saturday, May 12, 2007 - 02:00