Migratory Bird Workshop

CORBIDI plans to join the celebrations for the World Migratory Bird Day by conducting bird conservation discussion sessions and a birdwatching field trip. The observation of wild birds in their natural habitat is not a common and well understood activity in Perú. As part of CORBIDI\'s mission statement, we intend to promote the study and appreciation of migratory (and resident) birds and their habitat, ultimately fostering their conservation. The field trip will have as participants a group of high-school students from Huamachuco, department of La Libertad, northern Perú. Prior to the field trip, we will have presentations and discussion about bird conservation issues migratory and resident birds currently face. On the World Migratory Day on May 6th, we will have our planned field trip with the students and other interested parties to the wetlands surrounding Callasgon lagoon. These wetlands are located approximately 3,400 meters above sea level (almost 10,000 feet asl). CORBIDI will cover the costs of transportation and food during the discussion sessions and field trip. CORBIDI will also provide equipment such as binoculars and field guides, to ensure the success and this activity.

Central Peru 8° 30' 0" S, 76° 30' 0" W
Start date: 
Sunday, May 6, 2007 - 02:00
End date: 
Sunday, May 6, 2007 - 02:00