Birdwatching in Dana

Casual get together of all interested in birdwatching in Jordan. Those who can make it will meet at Dana Nature Reserve near Dana village and walk into Al-Barrah forest, the only breeding site of the Syiran Serin in Jordan and through the orchards of Dana village. A visit to Wadi Dana in the early morning to watch some of the breeding raptors, and then, when it becomes warmer, we can expect to observe good numbers of honey buzzards and levant sparrow hawks. Migrant passerines are also expected, e.g. Masked shrike and some other late migrants.

The event will also be announced in our facebook group "Jordan Birwatching Group"

Dana village 40° 34' 34.806" N, 111° 53' 1.9464" W
Start date: 
Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 02:00
End date: 
Sunday, May 15, 2011 - 02:00