Campaign for the WMBD

For the World Migratory Bird Day 2022, we created a campaign including an outdoor activity and digital education between the 8th and the 20th of October. In the city of Serres, Greece, we organised an information stand with quizzes and games about migratory birds, their physiology and their habitats as well as a public origami-making on the 13th of October. The promotional work consisted of a published radio spot on the local radio channel Rodon FM and posters in the city. In addition, we recorded and published an educational radio broadcast over one hour on the different species and habits of migratory birds and the effect that humans have on their lives in 2022. We published an article focusing on the issue of light pollution with regard to migratory birds (and the theme of this year's WMBD) on our blog. Before and after the activity, we posted several information and review posts on our social media channels. Also we made a video about the topic in general and the activity in Serres for our youtube channel.

The broadcast:

The video:

The article:

The instagram posts: & &


Thank you very much for acknowledging these activities.


Best regards

The Praxis Volunteers

Praxis Organization Serres

Ioustinianou 19, Serres 621 24

Ioustinianou 19
Serres 41° 5' 15.036" N, 23° 33' 4.3344" E
Start date: 
Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 13:00
End date: 
Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 14:30