Saturday, May 14th, Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge invites everyone to the Refuge for our Annual Birding Festival to Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD)! Each year the Refuge celebrates WMBD to encourage support for migratory bird conservation. The theme for this year’s installment of the annual celebration is “Dim the Lights for Birds at Night”.
The festival runs from 7 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturday, May 14th. Join us for a few hours or for the whole celebration! This is an event for the whole family! Some of the activities include early bird hikes, a painting the prairie art session, a wildflower walk in the prairie and a DIY fun and easy bird feeder session. In order to follow COVID-19 guidelines and safety precautions ALL activities during WMBD required pre-registration.
In addition, there will be self-guided birding hikes stations for a week prior to the WMBD event! The self-guided hikes will be beginning May 7th – 14th! There will be signs set up at five of the best birding sites found on the Refuge. These locations are hotspots where birdwatchers can see some of the most unique birds found at the Refuge. Look for informational brochures found at the kiosks, which will provide site descriptions for the five best birding spots. We hope that you enjoy these recommended birding locations and share them with your friends and family so that more people get to see these amazing birds!
For more information regarding the refuge, visit our website at or call (608)539-2311, ext. 1.