Mr Tamás Marghescu
Director General
International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC)
Hunters, perhaps more so than any other group of people, understand the importance of conserving migratory birds and their habitats. That is because it is us hunters that are the ones out in nature, experiencing birds in their natural spaces while appreciating their beauty and ecological importance.
It is not surprising, then, that we see many hunters that are passionate about the conservation of migratory birds. After all, you must care for something in order to consider its continued survival. Migratory birds and their amazing journeys across continents are fascinating. The services that hunters offer to migratory bird conservation, therefore, stems from an appreciation of their beauty and their incredible migration patterns.
What strikes me in particular is the way these birds interact with different ecosystems, and different human cultures, across numerous continents. Standing at the porch of my house in Szentendre (Hungary), it is a joy to see the annual migration of cranes in the frosty night sky, flying due-south along the Danube. And what greater sign is there for the coming spring than the migration of swallows back to Europe from Africa.
Considering the biodiversity crisis that we are currently faced with, I would encourage all people to go out and experience bird song and bird flight for themselves. The initial step in getting people engaged in conservation is to first know what we are conserving, and it is therefore critical to encourage this type of reconnection with nature.