This is how we shoot birds in Lebanon GLOBAL EVENT

Under the patronage and in the presence of the Minister of Environment, Mr.Fadi Jreissati, a Global Campaign around Birdwatching is organised in Lebanon in the framework of WMBD on October 12.

The Campaign includes 2 site-events with a first stop in Dennieh (village of Behwayta), north of Lebanon with the Association for Bird Conservation in Lebanon (from 9 to 12 am).  The second stop will be in Rass el Maten (Saraya Rass el Maten Bird Observatory) with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) from 12 to 4 pm.

Both locations' events include birdwatching, hiking, awareness and fun activities for kids, food and music to celebrate the beauty of Migratory birds and to highlight the importance of Lebanon, located on one of the world's most important flyway for migratory birds.

Beirut 33° 53' 37.6476" N, 35° 30' 6.3972" E
Start date: 
Saturday, October 12, 2019 - 11:00
End date: 
Saturday, October 12, 2019 - 18:00