Celebrate the 26th Annual Migratory Bird Day, Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This annual commemoration highlights the spectacular journeys that migratory birds take each year as they travel between nesting and non-breeding sites around the world.
Corps park rangers will host a free, family-friendly, accessible event at The Dalles Dam Visitor Center. To take full advantage of the event, visitors are encouraged to bring their own scopes, binoculars, GPS units and cameras.
10 a.m.: Live Bird presentation - A raptor handler from The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center will be on site to talk about bird conservation.
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Self-guided activities, ongoing until 3 p.m.
• High-Tech Scavenger Hunt: Come learn about bird conservation and why birds are important to local ecosystems. Bring your own GPS unit or borrow one of ours (ID required).
• Bird Bingo: Explore the variety of bird life in our backyard.
• Kids crafts
To get to The Dalles Dam Visitor Center from Interstate 84, take 87 and travel east on Brett Clodfelter Way.