Rowe Adventures: Become a Bird Scientist

Families can learn all about tools and techniques that scientists utilize to study birds. UNK professor, Letty Reichart, will talk about the process of mist netting birds and placing leg bands on the birds. Families can then learn how to properly use binoculars and field guides as they take a bird walk to count the birds they see along the trail. Bird counts will be entered in “eBird” to aid scientists keep track of bird species and numbers in the area.     

Cost: Free will donation accepted

All Ages ; children must be accompanied by an adult

Rowe Sanctuary Audubon Center

44450 Elm Island Road Gibbon, NE 68840

Is pre-registration required: No

44450 Elm Island Road Gibbon, NE 68840
Gibbon, NE 68840 40° 40' 11.5032" N, 98° 53' 4.8372" W
Start date: 
Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 11:00
End date: 
Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 12:00