World Migratory Bird Day newsletter

World Migratory Bird Day newsletter categories

Fiesta Verde

Fiesta Verde is the annual dinner and fundraiser for the Canadian Organization for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation. It is the event of the year that celebrates the diverse and fragile beauty of one of the most important ecosystems found on the planet, the rainforests. COTERC is working to protect rainforests through research and education but we need help to reach our goals. It is our hope that Fiesta Verde will offer you much entertainment and education while gathering funds for COTERC that will keep the Organization viable well into the future.

Migratory Bird and tourism quiz

We will be hosting a quiz with a local establishment with four rounds of questions - identification of common birds in the area from photographs, common bird calls, bird pictionary and the final round contains questions/photographs of local places / people who have been instrumental in the development of birding and tourism in the area.

Guardeu un lloc per a mi / Save a place for me

Un dia amb els ocells. Visites, xerrades, jocs, manualitats, audiovisuals...

A day with the birds. Tours, talks, games, bird craft activities, audiovisuals...

Leaving is Living

This local informative event in the Ionain islands of Corfu and Paxoi will present the magical journey of migration and the threats migratory birds face!

We aim to engage the local hunting community in a live discussion regarding the contentious issue of spring killing in Greece and to empower the individuals that wish to publicly defend migratory birds against poachers.
This event is part of the LIFE Information and Communication Project "Safe haven for Wild Birds", which runs a 3-year campaign against illegal killing on the Mediterranean.

Arramblando por la carraca

Durante varias fechas de Abril y Mayo de 2014 presentamos el protocolo de seguimiento y manejo de carraca en la Región de Murcia y se organizan actividades educativas en el Aula de Naturaleza de las Salinas de Rambla Salada (Fortuna. MURCIA)

World Migratory Bird Day with Peksia Himbio UA

Kegiatan Edukasi berupa pameran foto hasil pengamatan dikemas dengan konsep belajar dan bermain untuk menambah wawasan masyarakat tentang biodiversitas burung.

Evento de las Aves Internacionales

A collaborative event with the community members of Santa Maria de los Cocos. The day will be filled with bird related activities, crafts, workshops, and entertainment to celebrate our migratory birds and the military macaw. CONANP's ECOCHAVOS will be leading an entertainment and educational activity.

World Migratory Bird Day Benefit Concert

Following the great success of last year, the "Corale San Rocco" choir of Bologna has generously offered to give a second benefit concert in Bonn, in support of the World Migratory Bird Day campaign and the conservation of migratory birds. The new element this year is the participation of the Choir of the Deutsche Welle, a multicultural ensemble that has entertained the public- not only of Bonn - for 20 years with its variety of musical styles and languages. The concert programme will therefore will therefore comprise a medley of lyric and other songs of various genres and tongues.


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