"Protect insects, protect birds"

WMBD 2024 Campaign Slogan

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Protect insects, protect birds #WMBD2024

Jacques Trouvilliez, Secrétaire exécutif de l'AEWA

La préservation des oiseaux migrateurs et de leurs habitats contribue au développement durable

Ecouter Jacques Trouvilliez au micro : des mots clairs, un plaidoyer implacable pour les oiseaux migrateurs - et pour l'humanité.

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CIC Children Drawing Contest

This is the second year that the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) participates in the World Migratory Bird Day campaign to raise awareness about the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats in particular, and about environmental issues in general throughout the world.

Picture by Tian Zhiwei, director of the CCAfa for Waterfowls at Tangshan, 2017.5.9

Stories from China

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) is an independent organization approved by the State Council and registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The non-profit organisation was founded in 1985 through the reintroduction of Milu deer, from the U.K back to China by the Duke of Bedford. The non-profit organisation is dedicated to biodiversity conservation, environmental protection, green and sustainable development and eco-civilization promotion.

The operatic choir, Corale Lirica San Rocco

World Migratory Bird Day Concert in Bologna

The Corale Lirica San Rocco will be giving a benefit concert in Bologna on 13 May, as part of the annual celebrations of World Migratory Bird Day. The operatic choir, which gave a concert in Bonn the last four years, will now perform in its home city. The matinee will start at 11.00 hrs in the historical Cappella Farnese di Palazzo D’Accursio.


Living Planet: Why we should celebrate World Migratory Bird Day

Listen to Borja Heredia, CMS Birds Expert, who tells you why we should celebrate Migratory Birds all round the world.

