"Protect insects, protect birds"

WMBD 2024 Campaign Slogan

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Protect insects, protect birds #WMBD2024

Migration: Incredible Animal Journeys by Mike Unwin and Jenni Desmond

The WMBD team and Bloomsbury Children’s Books are running a giveaway contest on Twitter ! Retweet to win 1 of 5 copies of Migration, a stunning illustrated children’s book that follows the stories of 20 animal migrations. The contest closes on 12 May. 


Interview with Mike Unwin, author of Migration

What inspired you to write a children’s book about animal migration?

I have lived in both England and southern Africa, and it has never ceased to amaze me how I see the same birds - such as swallows, willow warblers and common sandpipers - in both places. Their journeys from one continent to another twice a year are mind-boggling. They also seem to offer a lesson to us humans: that some things are bigger than borders and barriers. 



WMBD 2018: “Unifying Our Voices for Bird Conservation”

Join the celebration of a great natural wonder on World Migratory Bird Day!

“Unifying our Voices for Bird Conservation” is the theme of World Migratory Bird Day 2018. This year, the campaign will have a new global dimension, bringing together the world’s main migration corridors, also called flyways – and for the first time, with two peak campaign days in the year.


Malaysia celebrated World Migratory Bird Day 2017 in Terengganu

The University Malaysia Terengganu, in collaboration with both the University Sultan Zain Abidin and the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS Terengganu), celebrated the World Migratory Bird Day for the third year in a row, at Lingai forest, Batu Rakit, Terengganu.

Birdwatching at the WMBD celebration 2017 in Ain El Sokhna, Egypt

WMBD 2017 Celebrations in Egypt

Egypt celebrated World Migratory Bird Day 2017 in Ain El Sokhna which is known to be an important bottleneck for migratory birds. Participants were birdwatchers, photographers and nature lovers, along with representatives of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and the New and Renewable Energies Authority (NREA).


Célébration de la journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs au Parc Diawling

Le Parc National du Diawling est un site protégé dans le sud-ouest de la Mauritanie. Cette aire protégée a été créée dans le but de reconstituer une biodiversité détruite.

Le vendredi 12 mai 2017, le Parc National du Diawling a participé à la célébration de la Journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs (JMOM) dans le cadre des activités du programme d’éducation environnementale. L’événement était organisé avec les écoles de Ziré Sbeikhat et Ziré Taghrédient, situées dans la périphérie du Parc.


Le Maroc célèbre la JMOM

Le Groupe de Recherche Pour la Protection des Oiseaux au Maroc « GREPOM-Birdlife Maroc », unité régionale Souss-Massa, a célébré la Journée Mondiale des Oiseaux Migrateurs 2017, sous le thème « Leur avenir est notre avenir, respectons la planète pour les oiseaux migrateurs et pour les hommes ».
