World Migratory Bird day is dedicated this year to raise awareness on the issue of “light pollution”, which is not only a problem endangering migratory birds but has effects on a huge variety of species including e.g. insects being an essential source of pray for a huge variety of bird species in particular under the passerines too.
Please find enclosed three German examples, how issues concerning light pollution were tackled:
- In 2019 the Federal Agency for Nature Protection (BfN) published the results of a Scientific Study “Analysis of Impacts of Artificial Light on Biodiversity – Determination of indicators for impacts and recommendations for actions to avoid negative effects in the context of impacts” . In the enclosed summary of this study in English the results are presented in brief.
- At the suggestion of the Federal Ministry for Environment, the German Government has adopted 2019 an "Action Programme for Insect Conservation". Under the concrete measures in the areas of action, the programme addresses light pollution as a major cause of insect mortality, (page 43 -45 contains the chapter dedicated to light pollution and respective measures). For the German version and a brief summary in English cf.:
- At 18.8.2021 the German Parliament (Bundestag) decided comprehensive changes of the Federal Nature Protection Law - including a new Paragraph 41a dedicated to “Protection of animals and plants against adverse effects of illumination” and additionally respective changes for the same purpose in § 54. - Cf:*%5b@attr_id=%27bgbl121s3908.pdf%27%5d#__bgbl__%2F%2F*%5B%40attr_id%3D%27bgbl121s3908.pdf%27%5D__1652205784990