Join Prairie Falcon Audubon in Twin Falls, Idaho on Saturday, May 9th to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day in the Americas! The bird walk will begin at 8:00 AM at the Mogensen Trail head at the top of the turn-off to Centennial Park. Bags for trash pick-up will be provided. Please bring your binoculars, hat and gloves, snacks, water, and sunscreen. Wear sturdy shoes as the trail is uneven and very steep in some sections! We will be looking for trash, and most importantly spring migrants - those just passing through (Western Tanager and Lazuli Bunting, etc.) and those returning to our neighborhood to breed and raise young (swallows, Yellow Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, Bullock's Oriole, Swainson's Hawk, Turkey Vulture, Common Yellowthroat, etc.).