The celebration was held by the Libyan Society for Birds (LSB) in collaboration with the Department of Zoology at the Faculty of Science at the University of Tripoli, the Libyan Society of Artisanal Fishery Friends and the Environment General Authority. The celebration comes as a support for these organisms that are exposed to the hazards and dangers during their migration, and the slogan of this year is "birds connect our world." During the celebration, a brief information about the World Migratory Bird Day was presented, as well as a presentation on the study and census of wintering waterbirds in Libya (IWC), followed by a presentation on the Libyan Society of Artisanal Fishery Friends and the Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Network. At the end of this event, an announcement presented about the establishing of the Libyan Union of NGOs for the Nature. Finally, we thank everyone who contributed to the celebrating of this day, as well as those who support the programs of bird census and studies, as well as the wetlands in Libya. In particular, I would like to thank: Med-Waterbirds network (MWN) Tour du Valat AFD FFEM As well as the University of Tripoli to host this celebration.