It's World Migratory Bird Day, part II on St. Croix! On Saturday, October 26 we continue our celebration of the amazing journeys of migratory birds with a bird walk and beach clean up at the Southgate Coastal Reserve
8:00am - Join us for an opportunity to see migratory birds that have stopped at the Southgate Pond on St. Croix along their epic journeys. We'll walk about half a mile down a trail to the pond. Meet at the entrance sign for the Southgate Coastal Reserve (between Cheeseburgers in Paradise and Chenay Bay Resort).
9:00 - 11:00 - Beach Clean up at the Southgate Beach, and Activities to educate about and celebrate birds. We'll provide trash bags and gloves for the clean up. We'll be recycling the items found along the beach cleanup to make bird feeders.