Beat Plastic Pollution, Save Migratory Birds


Date: May, 1 and 4-5th 2019

Location: (1) Faculty of Forestration Gadjah Mada University (2) Banaran, Kulon Progo (3) Progo Estuary, Bantul

The WMBD 2019 will be held by the Paguyuban Pengamat Burung Jogja (Jogja Birdwatchers Society). Three activities will be held, namely seminars, beach cleaning activities, and bird watching. The target of these activities is to be attended by students, birdwatchers, environmentalists, and the general public with a total of 100 people. The seminar will bring speakers from Wetland International-Indonesia Program, Yogyakarta Natural Resources Conservation Center, and zero waste activists from Yogyakarta. Through seminar activities, participants are expected to be informed about migratory birds and their importance in ecosystems and simple ways to reduce plastic waste. Then as a concrete action to care for the environment, participants will carry out beach cleaning activities in the Banaran Village, Kulon Progo. In addition, participants will also carry out bird watching activities to witness the shorebirds on the coast of Yogyakarta.

Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal
Sleman 7° 46' 16.9536" S, 110° 22' 38.6652" E
Start date: 
Friday, April 5, 2019 - 09:00
End date: 
Sunday, May 5, 2019 - 13:00
instagram: @ppbj.yogyakarta