Join us as we spend the day birding at numerous locations throughout the Rochester area. Our goal will be to count and tally as many species as we can find while also enjoying the beauty of our local parks. Come to one, two or all of the sessions listed. Be prepared for the weather and bring binoculars. Participants should be able to walk on uneven ground. This event takes place rain or shine and may not be suitable for very young children.
7:00 - 8:30 am Eastside Marsh / Leader: Lance Vrieze - Meet in the Quarry Hill Parking lot to car pool. This marsh is only a a couple miles away. If we have time we'll also visit the Silver Creek Reservoir.
9:00 - 10:30 am Quarry Hill Nature Center / Leaders: Terry & Joyce Grier See listing above
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Plummer House / Leader: Brendan Lanpher Meet in the Plummer House Visitor Parking lot at 1091 Plummer Lane in Rochester. We'll tour the gardens looking for warblers.
1:00 - 2:30 pm Izaak Walton Wetlands / Leader: Sandy Hokanson & Clifford Hansen Warblers, waterfowl and spring flowers. Learn more about the wetlands here and follow the Izaak Walton Facebook page here. Meet at the entrance to the wetlands on Salem Road.
3:00 - 4:30pm Willow Creek Reservoir / Leader Joel Dunnette This is a great site to look for migrating waterfowl. Meet in the parking area at 1343 Lone Pine Dr SW.