In celebration of World Migratory Bird Day(WMBD), the Arkansas Valley Audubon Society will again sponsor an annual Pueblo County Spring Count. This year's Count will be Saturday May 12, 2018. Anywhere in the County can be birded.
If you wish to join the Greenhorn Valley team, meet 8AM at the Lake Beckwith Dam parking area in Colorado City. We will bird the Rye/Colorado City area most of the day. Bring lunch if you plan to bird in the afternoon.
If you wish to bird another area of the County, let me know before a week prior to the Count where you will be birding. Doing so will help avoid overlapping coverages. Please submit your list by e-mail or post with the following information:
1)list all birds seen & the number of each species seen (lists submitted in some semblance of checklist order are easiest to compile); please do not use 4 letter codes such as VIRA for Virginia Rail).
2)mileage and hours by foot, & mileage and hours by car listed SEPARATELY; please do NOT combine.
3)names & emails of other persons birding with you.
All participants will receive a summary of the Count's hilites after your lists are compiled. Final results will be entered in the ebird/IMBD data base