World Migratory Bird Day 2018

Zamin-e-Farda is an Iranian NGO that recently celebrated World Migratory Bird Day by hosting a public meeting. During the event, a wildlife expert discussed the process of migration and the importance of bird conservation. Participants were introduced to a fascinating species called the Bar-tailed godwit, which scientists have only recently discovered has an incredible non-stop migration lasting 9 days. This unique behavior makes this bird truly amazing.

As the theme for this year, 2018, is 'Unifying our voices for bird conservation,' one of the artists, who is passionate about the environment, created a musical piece titled 'Together with Birds' to highlight the importance of protecting birds. This musical piece was played at the meeting.

Iran serves as a significant route for bird migration, yet these birds often encounter numerous challenges. During the meeting, we aimed to raise awareness about the hunting and selling of migratory birds by some locals, which was depicted in a documentary called 'Freedom'. Our NGO members worked diligently this year to educate the public about the positive impacts of bird conservation on maintaining a sustainable ecosystem."

Warsaw Street Nejatollahi St
Tehran 35° 42' 36.6372" N, 51° 24' 53.8776" E
Start date: 
Sunday, May 13, 2018 - 19:00
End date: 
Sunday, May 13, 2018 - 18:00