Join us for a day filled with family fun events to celebrate National Migratory Bird Month! Start the day off by meeting us at Weigand swim beach at 8am for guided bird hike. From 10-11am, we’ll have crafts at the Maria ($2/craft). Then, join us for a scenic hayrack ride through the park from 7-8pm ($2/ride). Finish off the day with a glow-in-the-dark Migratory Bird Egg Hunt at the open field near the fish cleaning station at 9pm. We’ll divide the egg hunt into groups (5 and under, 6-8, 9-12)
Fee: Valid Park Entry permit required. $2/craft; $2/hayrack ride
Ages: All ages, children must be accompanied by an adult.
Is pre-registration required: No
Sponsor: Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, Lewis & Clark State Rec Area