BirdLife Cyprus Open Day

On 10 May it is World Migratory Bird Day. On this occasion, BirdLife Cyprus is organizing its first open day on Saturday 14 May 2016 from 11am until 2pm at its offices in Strakka, Kato Deftera, to which it invites young and old to learn about the wonder of migration but also threats migratory birds face.

Each year, millions of birds embark on a challenging journey of thousands of kilometres, across seas, mountains and deserts flying north to arrive in time for spring at the areas they will nest. And only a few months later, in autumn, they fly back south, to the areas where they will spend the winter. This movement, from one part of the world to another and back again, is among the greatest wonders of the natural world.

Cyprus is on one of the main migratory flyways in Europe and so every spring and autumn we are fortunate enough to be able to feast our eyes on the wonderful feathered creatures that fill the skies above our island. The reasons for migration: survival and breeding. Migratory birds risk their lives to survive. Birds do not recognize borders and so their protection is our shared responsibility. 

To inform the interested public about migration and the threats that migratory birds face, the programme for the day includes:

11:15 – 11:35 Presentation of the work of BirdLife Cyprus and the serious and persistent problem of illegal bird trapping and discussion 

11:35 – 12:35 Documentary screening “Leaving is living” by the Hellenic Ornithological Society (BirdLife in Greece), which is the national BirdLife International partner in Greece (Greek dialogue, English subtitles). Duration: 60’

11:35 – 12:35 Parallel experiential workshop for children (ages 5+) on the subject of bird migration, with the actress and theatrical game facilitator Elena Pavlidou

Ongoing: Drawing activities for young and old

The event is open to the public and admission is free.

Archbishop Makarios III
Strakka, Kato Deftera, Nicosia 35° 5' 32.8344" N, 33° 17' 30.5304" E
Start date: 
Saturday, May 14, 2016 - 13:00
End date: 
Saturday, May 14, 2016 - 16:00