Media Event

WMBD: Wildlife Clubs Bird Festival

Nature Seychelles will co-organise a bird festival for all wildlife clubs, hosted by clubs in the Northern region of the country for all other regions. Beginning the 5th of May at school level, clubs are being sensitised on the issue during their club meetings and will organise exhibitions, visits to nearby shores and other school-based activities. At national level however we will be organising this bird festival on the Saturday 24th of May since the 10th (the official WMBD) would be the time of high tides in Seychelles, what makes it difficult to watch some migratory birds.

World Migratory Bird Day at Edinburgh Zoo

Additional education talks throughout the weekend presented by education staff and keepers at Edinburgh Zoo. WMBD weblink added to Edinburgh Zoo website plus press release to highlight the weekend's events.

Migratory Birds in Local Perspectives

RSNH is organizing a week of celebrating WMBD 08. Along with the regular tours and excursions with school students and nature lovers, RSNH is organizing slide/film shows for the students in Udaipur to make them feel the beauty of birds by heart. Besides, Bird Races are planned to be organized at Udaipur & Bharatpur.
In Udaipur the area for the bird search during the race is restricted to the Sajjan Niwas Garden to be tackled by the youngsters.

WMBD Festival

10th May- Photography Competition & other activities
11th May- Seminar on Migratory Birds of Yamuna

Mersi Expo

"Mersi" is the name of bird watching activities that are commonly scheduled by BIONIC (Biology UNY Ornithology Club). The word “Mersi” represents an acronym of the Javanese word “Mersani Peksi”, which means to watch birds. Activity "Mersi" has taken place for 3 years running, but in this year (2008), it is carried out as an exhibition or expo event to touch broader scope of people.

Migratory birds in Burundi

The World Migratory Bird Day will be an opportunity for Burundian to learn what migratory birds are and their importance for biodiversity conservation. Different activities will be organized:
- exposition of Migratory birds,
- talks on migratory birds
- birdwatching
- the National Television will report on the day

World Migratory Birds Day 2008

The small fishing village of Parit Jawa in the southern state of Johor has something special - the Lesser Adjutant (about 40), which feed in the mudflats of the estuary. The event will be lead by the Johor Tourism Action Council and will be assisted by the Forestry Dept., Wildlife Dept., Johor State Parks Corporation (PTNJ) and the Malaysian Nature Society, Johor Branch will act as the Secretariat.

The local community of Parit Jawa with the village heads of the nearby villages will also help as well as the Muar City Council.

WMBD 2008 Activities in Cameroon

Television, radio and newspaper interviews on climate change issues, highlighting the global effects of climate change using the results of recent scientific research and report. Experts like some University Dons and officials in the Ministries of the Forestry and Wildlife and Environment and Nature Protection will be invited.

World Migration Bird Day 2008 - Gargano Italy

Day event for the study and knowledge of migration of birds in the great hot-spot of Gargano.

Festival Internacional de las aves migratorias - International festival of migratory birds

Se llevan a cabo inauguración en la plaza pública del Puerto de San Blas, Nayarit. Hay 10 rutas de observación de aves, talleres infantiles, conferencias, concursos de artes plasticas, eventos culturales y exposiciones.

An international bird festival will be opened on the public plaza in the Port of San Blas, Nayarit. A presentation of 10 migratory bird species will be given accompanied by a workshop for children, conferences, a contest of plastic arts, cultural events and exhibitions.


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