
Aves migratorias en mi comunidad

Migratory birds in my community

Our event consists of a series of activities beginning with a film screening in the evening. The next day in the morning there will be a bird watching activity, followed by a photographic exhibition entitled "the birds of my community". The celebration of World Migratory Bird Day will end with an art illustration activity where attendees will be able to draw and color the bird of their choice.

Urban Birdwatch Belize City

Belize Audubon Society is hosting its annual Urban Birdwatch 2023 for Belize City. The Urban Bird Watch 2023, is an annual event organized by the Belize Audubon Society (BAS) to bring awareness to the amazing diversity of birds that live in or visit our urban areas. It is also a citizen science activity where we collect data on the bird populations found within our urban areas and enter into eBird, a global online database of bird observations. The Urban Bird Watch 2023 will take place in different locations across the country on different dates.

I Simpósio de Aves Migratórias da UFRGS

Our event will be the 1st UFRGS Migratory Bird Symposium, in which we will have a series of lectures on October 11th at the university and on October 14th we will go on a Birdwatching to Lagoa do Peixe National Park.

08/07 : Birding in Llaviucu

We went to the Cajas National Park.
Lots of people today, we were 10  :)

World Migratory Bird Day at Eisenhower National Historic Site

Join us at Eisenhower National Historic Site, from 12 pm to 4 pm, to learn about migratory birds on World Migratory Bird Day.  Explore how birds use the lands preserved at the Eisenhower farm during spring and fall migrations.  Join a ranger on a guided bird walk and participate in several hands-on educational activities at our information table.  Explore the grounds that Ike and Mamie loved and embark on a feathered friend scavenger hunt as you tour the Eisenhower home.

Festival por el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias

El Festival por el Día Mundial de las Aves Migratorias que celebramos cada año en la ciudad de San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, en el mes de octubre o noviembre tiene la finalidad de concientizar y promover el cuidado y la conservación de las aves y sus ecosistemas. Aunado a multiples actividades relacionadas con los temas de conservación que cada año promovemos siguiendo las recomendaciones del manual del organizador que nos proveen, también incluimos temas de relevancia cultural, social e histórica para los asistentes locales y demás personas que asisten de lugares cercanos.

Bird watching field trip at Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

We are organizing three field trips as we conclude a project. Last year we trained 12 students in bird identification and we want to follow up with them and see if they still remember their training. In order to do this, we are organizing three field trips within the Maya Forest Corridor. The participants will also have the opportunity to enter a competition that would allow them to win a pair of binoculars. The field sites we are visiting are private or national protected areas and we will also be doing activities related to this year's WMBD theme. 

Actividades de educativas y de ciencia ciudadana en Carazo, Nicaragua

Educadores en Carazo participaron de actividades de ciencia ciudadana y actividades educativas con niños, jóvenes y adultos en esta celebración a nivel mundial, en el cual se divulgaron mensajes educativos bajo el lema: Agua vital para las aves. Utilizando material educativo de las aves protagonistas del DMAM.

Cedar Hill Migratory Bird Day

Participants will learn about the migratory birds that can be found at Dogwood Canyon and the unique aspects of this habitat.

Please check in at the front desk upon arrival. Bring your own binoculars.

RSVP required. By donation.

World Migratory Bird Day

Audubon Society of Lincoln City is celebrating World Migratory Bird Day this Saturday, May 13, at Oregon Coast Community College, 3788 SE High School Drive, Lincoln City.

This year’s theme, “Water: Sustaining Bird Life,” is particularly appropriate for Lincoln City with its seven miles of ocean beach, two major rivers with estuaries, and a large freshwater lake. These varied sources of water provide migrating birds with a welcome source of habitat and food as they travel along the Pacific Flyway — some stopping for a few weeks and others staying for months at a time.


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