WMBD in WWF Italy Oases

World Migratory Bird Day 2010

During the second weekend of May, WWF Oasi will be participating at the World Migratory Bird Day campaign with guided visits to the nature reserves.

Many of the WWF Italy Oases (more than 100 spread across the country) lie on the main migration routes and offer excellent opportunities for the observation of migrating birds.

This year’s WMBD event coincides with the “Festa delle Oasi”, a yearly event where the nature reserves open their gates with free admission and a whole series of exciting and interesting activities (for adults and youngsters) dedicated to nature conservation.

This year the nature reserves will be open for three consecutive Sundays from May 9th to May 23rd 2010. Guided visits will be organized by staff throughout the day and attention will be dedicated to the conservation of migrating birds and the WMBD event. These will be integrated with the opportunity to observe many different species of birds, particularly in the wetland areas.

Participation includes:

WWF Oasi Ripa Bianca di Jesi (Ancona): May 9th:
A guided visit and birdwatching activities during the morning are included.

The visit will concentrate on endangered species (with special attention dedicated to migrating species), nature conservation and the importance of conserving migration routes for bird conservation.

Oasi WWF Lago Preola e Gorghi Tondi (Trapani):
May 8th (16:00-19:00):
A guided visit and a census regarding bird species will be taking place in the nature reserve.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about migrating species, their conservation and the threats they face in the changing environment.

With the aid of staff, participants will also be actively involved in the census and bird identification sessions.

Other Oases participating include: Oasi WWF Le Saline di Trapani (Sicily), Oasi WWF Capo Rama (Sicily), Oasi WWF Lago di Burano (Tuscany), Oasi WWF Laguna di Ponente di Orbetello (Tuscany), Oasi WWF Bosco Rocconi (Tuscany), Oasi WWF Cratere degli Astroni (Naples).

These Oases will also be organising guided visits and birdwatching sessions focusing on bird migration, threats and their conservation.

41° 52' 18.984" N, 12° 34' 2.568" E
Start date: 
Saturday, May 8, 2010 - 02:00
End date: 
Sunday, May 9, 2010 - 02:00