Save migratory flyways for Tunisia

As in previous years, Association « Les Amis des Oiseaux » (AAO), BirdLife in Tunisia, is organising activities to celebrate World Migatory Bird Day during the whole month of May :

  • Excursions to bird migration key sites fo birdwatching and ecotourism involving local communities
  • Information stands in international and national events related to biodiversity and civil society action
  • Open air activities and educational games for children
  • Photo gallery « My World Migatory Bird Day 2015 »
  • A national workshop on energy production and transport, the impact on birds and mitigation measures

With the diversity of the proposed activities AAO aims to involve a large public. The main messages our the events are « Migratory birds are amazing », « Let’s make energy production and transport safe for birds ! », « Save eneregy – Save birds ! ».

18 janvier 1952
Ariana 36° 51' 25.5708" N, 10° 11' 24.72" E
Start date: 
Sunday, May 10, 2015 - 12:00
End date: 
Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 18:00