Nature Trail

Natural trail and Birdwatching program on the banks of River Sabarmati, Ahmedabad.
The program aims to get participants aquinted to nature. Brief discriptions on the habitats, different species of trees and shrubs, utility of these trees in providing shelter, nesting materials besides food etc to migratory birds will be provided as well as Details on wetlands and their inhabitants. Details on aquatic life such as aquatic plants, insects and invertibrates in water will be given too and also the threats these habitats are exposed to.

Sabarmati River Bank, Ahmedabad 23° 1' 21.018" N, 72° 34' 16.9032" E
Start date: 
Sunday, April 22, 2007 - 02:00
End date: 
Sunday, April 22, 2007 - 02:00